We need full, double-blind, long-term placebo studies to license these vaccines

6 hours ago

Del Bigtree: "We keep arguing we need full, double-blind, long-term placebo studies to license these vaccines. I mean, look at what a vaccine does, just by nature. If you stop someone on the street and say, what does a vaccine do? Well, it tricks the immune system into thinking it's had a disease, like a killed virus or something.

That's what everyone would say, you're tricking the immune system. Well, what is this crisis? It's an autoimmune disease crisis that we're seeing in this country like we've never seen before. So somehow the immune systems of our children and our adults now are confused. They're attacking our own cells and our own bodies.

And so when people say, well, how do you know it's vaccines? How do you know it's not the air? How do you know it's not the food? How do you know it's not the water? I'd say, well, first of all, all of those issues, all the chemicals in our food, our water, is being approved by the same regulatory agency, so they should be investigated.

But of all of those things, there's one product that by design is designed to trick your immune system into thinking it's had a disease. And we're not tricking it one time, or two times, or five times, or 10 times, or 20 times, or 50 times, 72 times.

No one in this room has been through that. Not one of these adults. We say, oh, I'm doing the same thing to my kids that I did, no you're not. This is destroying the health of our children, and we need to get on top of it right away."

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