British elite.

3 months ago

Benjamin Fulfort:

There isn't much that Jacob BAUER Rothschild wasn't involved in or that his bloodline wasn't connected to.

The founding of Israel.

The implementation of the Federal Reserve.

The 9/11 Fasel flag.

The war against Palestine.

The man-hunting groups.

The British Empire - including the following

The UK



New Zealand


19 African countries

The Caribbean

By the grand jury

Quote: Its headquarters are in the City of London, a one-square-mile area that is the financial center of the world. The City of London is not governed by the British government, but on the contrary has suzerainty over it.

The City of London has its own courts and police force and has never had its sovereignty and self-government challenged. She rules over the crown and over most of the earth. The British elite believe they have the right to enslave the rest of humanity, whom they view as their "cattle."

In their view, they own the population - body, mind and soul. Democracy is just an illusion to leave the people alone while the City of London calls the shots and pulls the strings. This elite made several attempts at a so-called "New World Order", all of which failed. They almost succeeded in ruling the United States, but failed there too.

Texas is on track to rid the entire state of the Federal Reserve Cartel. Together with over 40 other countries that are introducing a new monetary system. All of our personal debts are in fiat USD.

As soon as we move to another monetary unit, we will no longer be tied to the debt slavery of the banking sector, which will collapse with its derivatives market linked to the Federal Reserve. This was taken over by the US Treasury Department years ago.

What we are witnessing is the end of a regime that sought world domination. All key responsible figures are slowly being removed. And their intelligence agents have also lost their iron grip on the governments they no longer control.

Thanks to the EPA affair.

Thanks to the Basel 3 rules.

Thanks to the over 40 countries returning to the gold standard.

Why do you think Blackrock is withdrawing from the climate agenda? You can no longer rely on the 3-letter agencies to blackmail, bribe, extort, or threaten U.S. politicians into drafting bills that force our government to follow an agenda that will further undermine this country becomes.

Didn't you find it strange that the United Nations was "temporarily" closed because they couldn't pay their electricity bill? Do you know how weird this is for people who want world domination and can no longer keep up with the monthly electricity bills that basically belong to an entire bank that prints money out of thin air?

That should tell you that God has a sense of humor too. Now you see one of the main players, Lord Jacob Rothschild, being removed from this planet. I know this must be making Benjamin Netanyahu a little nervous at the moment.

Guys, you all need to understand how profound this is. Since at least 1871, this entire bloodline has been responsible for why we are behind on the life-changing technology that we all expect will finally be released soon and change the world forever.

To make it short. Everything we do in investigating the corruption emanating from the monopolies of the British Crown and the money of the City of London seems to go back to this period around 1870, when there were several revolutions by the British elite.

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