The Waco Siege: How Anti-cultists Manipulated Media and Officials to Organize a Holocaust in Texas.

13 hours ago

How global anti-cultism influenced mnedia to incite a fatal government siege against the Branch Davidians, mirroring tactics of Nazi Germany. Federal agents, influenced by anti-cultist narratives promoted by Rick Alan Ross participated in the execution of a crime against the very people they were meant to protect.
"The IMPACT" presents facts and the absolute reality of the unseen side of our lives. "After watching this film, you will see the world as it truly is and dispel any illusions. It is shocking, revealing the full extent of this world's cruelty and injustice. Yet, at the same time, it answers the pivotal question: WHO IS BEHIND ALL OF THIS?➡️
#Thelmpact #UnseenReality #HiddenTruths #BehindTheScen#media #publicawareness #mediamanipulation

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