Did UFOs Visit Ancient Civilizations? Top 5 Mysterious Accounts

3 months ago

Did UFOs Visit Ancient Civilizations?
Top 5 Mysterious Accounts

Livy’s Account of Rome (218 BC)
Livy's Ab Urbe Condita records sightings of "phantom ships" in the sky during the Second Punic War.

Ezekiel’s Wheel (Biblical Text, 6th Century BC)

Pliny the Elder’s Record of Strange Lights (1st Century AD)
Pliny the Elder describes various celestial phenomena, including "shields" in the sky, in ancient Rome.

The Annales Laurissenses (793 AD, France)
Medieval text records sightings over France where people reportedly observed "ships in the sky,".

The Nuremberg Celestial Phenomenon (1561, Germany)
A broadsheet by Hans Glaser details the sighting of strange celestial phenomena over Nuremberg.

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