The Stories That We Remember - Day 27

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Day 27 - The Stories That We Remember

Originally for this post I was going to talk about many of the book recommendations that will connect you deeper with God.

I have completed many books over the last 8 years and I absolutely love listening to truth.

The more we share the energy space in truth, the more we will understand who we are as we now have more perspective to view our life from.

Truth is a frequency and once you feel it, you start to see it all so clearly.

Conversations With God - Neale Donald Walsch
Awareness - Anthony De Mello
New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
Perfect Brilliant Stillness - David Carse
Vibrational Medicine - Richard Gurber
Secret of The Ages - Robert Collier

And recently I have been loving all the translated versions of

The Upanishads
The Dhammapada
Bhagavad Gita
Original Goodness

By Eknath Easwaran which has just infinite truth.

Whilst meditating on today’s session, I was taken back to 2019 where I was listening to Ram Dass all the time. I was out training for a competition on my bike or for runs listening to his teachings.

I have learned from so many teachers, however what was highlighted today, was that I connected so much with Ram Dass when he shared his stories and I now know it was because he was speaking truth.

Listen to the way he shares and how similar the teachings are to a few of the days on this course which is another confirmation that truth is timeless.

I love the story he shares about his experience with the Dolphin and I really do know that our relationship with animals is going to completely transform

Going back through your journey. Is there any particular stories specifically that you heard that stayed with you? Is there any teachings from others that have rang so true for you?

The right teacher comes along at the right time.

Once we become one in the Christ Consciousness, so many more stories will be remembered.

They become part of your Story

Look at the number on my running top which I only just noticed now 💫🙌🏻

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