Temple of Set / US ARMY Military Command / Malta

4 months ago

We have connected the dots of the Temples of Set,
Malta, and the US ARMY,
and that is the cover-up of Satanic Ritualistic
Sexual Childhood Trauma and it's high ranking officials who got away with childhood rape and sodomy of 1400 children
in San Francisco in the 1980's.
From Ted Gundewrson Chief FBI for 35 years
uncovering of the Franklin Files along with this cover-up
It makes us working in these fields just how prevalent childhood
sexual santanic ritualistic murders and sexual traumas actually are.

If it weren't for Linda a reporter who took the time to write about the details of these cases
This knowledge may have been lost forever
but it's real journalism that let's us consider the connection between the Snake Preists of Malta and the Temples of Set of Michael Aquino the TOP Lieutenat Colonel in the US ARMY.

These Secret Societies are evil.
These Secret Societies work to protect one another
and now hide behind official doors with high ranking people with official badges (of what We have no idea).

I am convinced that the Evil Forces have stepped into high ranking Power and it is up to the Second Well Regulated Militia
to Stop This!!!

We the People are the only ones who are going to put a stop to these Agencies.

They will continue to grow
and they're going to need your blood and organs to survive.
We can put an end to this goddamned nightmare these entities are attempting to destroy all hope and all light here on American soil.

Since 1980's Police have murdered 30,000+ Americans
We call that a standing Army!

The US ARMY was not created by the People for the People.

We created The United States of America Marine Corp on November 10th 1775, at Tunn Tavern in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Our Nation's Capital!


Time to destroy some Snakes!!!

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