Mars Retrograde for America 2024 to 2025: What You Need To Know

4 months ago

Your Mastering Mars Retrograde Elearning Empowerment is HERE! If there was ever a time to step into the value of Conscious Forecasting, THIS IS IT!

We undeniably have a riveting cycle of reflection on the way along with many others that will be in the need for back up plans equally casting off their own intense changes for these next 6 months into Spring 2025.

Today we grant you a taste of what the entire Elearning Empowerment will grant you in preparedness on a personal, collective and American Forecasting level to be as consciously, mentally, emotionally and physically aware as possible. Yes Dear Stars: Wielding The Warrior time is here.

Gain access to Mastering Mars Retrograde Full Elearning Empowerment:

Mastering Mars Rx 2024.25 Leo/Cancer:
Understand all you need to know concerning this cycle of reflections’ conscious energetics, play by play timing as well as meditative and divination tools.

America Mars Rx 2024.25: 
Complete coverage of how this reflective cycle works for the nation.

2024.24 Mars Rx BONUS: 
The “SolarScope” from your Sun Sign perspective for the specific areas of your life this reflective journey will ask you to give proper and conscious attention to them. 

Let's Get Conscious for Mars Retrograde:

Mastering Mercury Retrograde in 2024:

2024's Retrograde Guide:

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