Robert Kennedy Tells It How it Is. America is Very Unhealthy By Design

18 hours ago

Robert Kennedy. Jr. explains how on in 21 boys have been damaged by childhood vaccines. Mentally damaged for life. Who will take care of those children when their parents are gone? We've been under attack for generations here in America, We were lied to all our lives about everything. And attitudes still need to upgrade to Truth. People need to get courage and care.
The Covid injections have crossed the blood brain barrier and have damaged the frontal lobe of millions perhaps billons of people. And nano circuity IS in blood of even those NOT injected, from transmission, From spraying our skies, our food with the MNRA poisons.
Take action: Clean your blood , EDTA capsules, Methalene Blue and 10,000 Mg of Vitamin C .
Demand the injeCtions STOP. Be wise with your addiction to your cell phone which is now a weapon to be used against you. Stock up on food.

That old Bible could be right folks. End times? What is says is happening. I'm not a Bible scholar or a religious person but no one can deny that foods and fires are destroying our lands, homes and people as the Bible predicts. Weather warfare and Directed Energy Weapons ....

We must fight. We must Unite. We must use love as our shield and yes even as a weapon against the global satanic cabal.

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