“God’s mercy is able to save us from the depths of adversity.”

3 months ago

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و صلى الله عليه وسلم على رسولنا الكريم :

٠للدعم المادي علو تطوير القناة:

٠مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي:
٠استغرام :
الحساب الاول:
الحساب الثاني:

Trust that whoever sent this diver to the depths of the sea to reach this distressed fish to save it from what it is in is able to remove your worries and relieve your distress, so raise your hands in supplication, trust in Him, and turn to Him, for He is capable of all things, whom nothing on earth or in heaven is unable to do, and if He wants something. He only says to him, “Be,” and he is.

شكراً لكم على المشاهدة الرائعة

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