Podcast PJ - A. Philip Johnson, Nazi agent / architect, advanced research: "Cover stories" (pt 1)

3 months ago

This audio introduces the mapping out of a deeper research dive into the Nazi history of curator / architect Philip Johnson (1906-2005). Johnson admitted his 1930s activity in support of Nazism in Europe and the United States to some extent, but there are huge gaps in his timeline not accounted for. This audio aims to scope out the current state of the research and the range of records and intelligence sources still yet to be reviewed.

Persons mentioned in the audio include those in his wider sphere: Charles Bedaux, Chips Channon, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Mrs. Lawrence Lanier-Winslow (Aileen Winslow), and Philip’s father, Homer Johnson.

* Declassified FBI file on Philip Johnson - https://archive.org/details/PhilipJohnson/219654037-Architect-Philip-Johnson-FBI-File-Part-1/page/n117/mode/2up

* Philip Johnson’s Nazi past - media coverage and more [including a media coverage compilation] - https://www.artdesigncafe.com/philip-johnson-nazi-support

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