A Star Warriors General Call To Duty

3 months ago


The Volunteers
The Telepathic Version

A Story Told By Jesus
The Parable Of The Five Wise Virgins and The Five Foolish Virgins
Matthew 25:5-13
It Is The Son Of Man For Whom We Await. Let our lamps be full and our wicks be trimmed so your light shines bright.

There are some who are among us who will ask us to hold their place in line. While they are gone. The call will arrive while they are away.

The scripture has seemed to indicate it is Donald Trump when the mentioning The Son Of Man.

The “Son of Man” in Christian theology is a Hueman who is actively being used of God.

We are awaiting him, don’t be anxious we’ve spiritually stocked up for this day and for hour.

The Bible is a spiritual book, it is meant to be used as an oracle, with eyes to see and ears to hear.

This is Old Fashioned Christianity.
How else, would a Christ-man or Christ-woman make a decision without a fulcrum, pivot point.

Looking at the moral environment, and the natural environment and the Bible.
Two or more witnesses to establish a truth.
The Moral Environment
The Natural Environment
The Bible
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Matthew 13:15-17

James 1:5
THE EVENT: The Solar Flare
What is the Event, soon to unfold?

It’s beginning to sound like; it is beginning to look like two simultaneous occurrences to create one Event.

One imparting light and the second producing sound both entwined on a Caduceus for the healing of Huemanity.
As any student of light will tell you; there are patterns in light that help you see the Light in a non-sequential order. [[[[Still Patterns]]]]
Patterns •••> which betray trajectory.

Then there is low rumble of the earth, gives rise to the inward sound of Gaia coming to consciousness.
Gaia will awaken your Heart Chakra; Sol will break through to awaken your Pineal Gland.

Gaia has a crystalline center, and in working together with Sol with a Flash of Light to awaken you to be able SEE and HEAR to raise your consciousness.

Gaia remembers every life, she keeps in her the memory of every one of them alive within her.
Sol has watched every life and nourished them with the rays of his Being.

In the Event, there will be a Flash of Light on all of huemanity.
Why? To heal your DNA.
As with the first Advent of Christ. He went into the bowls of the Earth to set at liberty the souls of the patriarchs who had not perfectly kept the Covenant Law.
Referenced in Ephesians 4:7-8

So too, in this Advent, the Son of Man will go into the bowls of the Earth to rescue the saints who had not perfectly kept the Law of Faith.
There he led Captivity Captive.
Where will you be when the Trumpet for Gaia sounds?

Where will you be when you and i are transported by the Light?

Right where you need to be, to be transported to the Fifth Dimension.
Be well my friends

Luke 17:20-21

You’re so close I can almost see you on the Otherside.

Ralph Stanley
Sunnyside of the Mountain

Hank Williams
I’ll Never Get of This World Alive

The Stanley Brothers
The Rank Stranger

Ralph Stanley Featuring Ricky Skaggs & Keith Whitley - That Lonesome Old Song


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