Twisted Metal - PSone Gameplay [PlayStation 4 Re-Release]

4 months ago

Originally released in 1995 as a launch title for the PlayStation in the US, Twisted Metal (not to be confused with the self-titled 2012 reboot for the PlayStation 3) got a re-release on the PlayStation 4 and 5 as part of the PlayStation Classics line on PS+ Premium, in honor of the upcoming TV series that will be streaming on Peacock... though not sure where it will be available for the European crowd. You can also buy the game separately if you don't have a PS+ Premium subscription. This re-release features trophy support (both PS4 and PS5 have separate trophy lists), remote play, save states and a rewind mode. You can even switch between NTSC and PAL versions! And yes, I got the game free because I actually had the PSone Classics release in my PSN account way back during the PS3 era, which is a nice touch.

Twisted Metal (C) Sony Interactive Entertainment
Also available on PC (Yes, there really was a PC version back then)

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