Israel and Western WAR Mongers have BLINKED! WWIII avoided for NOW.

2 months ago

Folks, after a sleepless night October 26, 2024 as I thought the world might come to an end with regional war in the #MiddleEast (still might) amazing things happened! The #Iran #Russian air defenses proved to be a match for #Western air power and weapons. It is premature to report on what actually happened as #IDF and #Iran reports contradict each other but this is my assessment.

About 100 planes from Israel bombed targets in Syria, Iraq and Iran. They were refueled and supported by #UnitedStates refueling aircraft. Jordan put itself on the line supporting over flight by US and the #Israeli aircraft who launched all their bombs from Jordan, for the most part, without crossing over into Iran airspace.

Damage was minimal as Iran air defense, bolstered by #Russia the last few months, proved effective. Targets were limited to military installations and one or two factories. I do not expect a #Iranian response.

Trump is firing on all cylinders as he did a three hour interview with @joeroganhq , two rallies in Novi Michigan and Pennsylvania. How @realDonaldTrump gets the energy I don't know.

Somalia is exploding with another civil war that the world knows nothing about.

#BRICS #BRICSSummit2024 is over but most people don't know about the most important story from the conference. A NEW GOLD, SILVER, METALS exchange is being designed to replace the Western COMEX and LBMA exchanges. THIS IS HUGE and more evidence of the DEATH OF THE DOLLAR, sooner, rather than later.

Expect hyper-inflation of the US dollar eventually.

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