Excellent Chinese Interpreter Translates for Foreign Minister Wang Yi

12 hours ago

Video: Excellent Chinese Interpreter Translates for Foreign Minister Wang Yi at 2024 UN Future Summit 優秀中文翻譯為王毅外長出席2024年聯合國未來高峰會翻譯

In this remarkable clip, Zhang Jing, China's renowned interpreter, flawlessly translates a critical speech delivered by External Affairs Minister Wang Yi at the UN Future Summit in 2024. Her impeccable simultaneous interpretation showcases her deep expertise and ability to convey complex diplomatic messages with clarity and precision on the global stage.

Zhang Jing first captivated international attention in 2021 during the high-profile U.S.-China summit in Alaska, where her translation of a 16-minute off-script speech by Chinese official Yang Jiechi left the world in awe. Dubbed "China’s most beautiful interpreter," she continues to play a vital role in China's diplomacy, skillfully bridging languages and cultures.


張靜首次引起國際關注是在 2021 年阿拉斯加舉行的備受矚目的美中峰會上,她翻譯了中國官員楊潔篪長達 16 分鐘的脫稿演講,令世界驚嘆不已。她被稱為“中國最美翻譯”,繼續在中國外交中發揮至關重要的作用,巧妙地在語言和文化之間架起橋樑.

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