Democrat Rep Jamie Raskin lecturing Americans that we are not a "constitutional republic"

3 months ago

Clip of Democrat Rep Jamie Raskin lecturing Americans that we are not a "constitutional republic". Raskin goes on to say, ""We began as a slave republic by Christian White males."

Brian Tyler Cohen interviewed Raskin on October 26th. Here is the link below if you want to listen to the rest of his filth.

I customized this background and description and added the captions that I proofread for you. I also included a bonus video documentary. Did you know according

The Iberian Passio Mantiiis a rare case of a late antique martyrdom account in which the protagonist, Mantius, is described as the Christian slave of [Kabbalist Talmudic] Jewish owners who persecute him to death for not converting to [Kabbalist Talmudic esoteric mysticism] Judaism. This unusual hagiographical text chimes with extensive legislation produced in Visigothic Iberia on the very question of [Kabbalist Talmudic] Jewish ownership of Christian slaves. Placing these sources together and exploring their theological background allows us first to understand better the changes Visigothic legislators made to a long legal tradition of prohibiting both the conversion and ownership of Christian slaves by [Kabbalist Talmudic] Jews. But it also allows us to go beyond the assumption that the sources reflect an active social practice and ask whether interest in [Kabbalist Talmudic] Jews exercising power over Christians was part of the development of a discourse of Jewish danger that was itself fundamental to the elaboration of more clearly defined religious identities in the seventh century.

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