Day 261 of Sobriety: Dan Vasc’s Epic "Bohemian Rhapsody" Cover – A New Favorite!

1 month ago

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On day 261 of my sobriety journey, I welcome new subscribers and explain what my channel is all about: a video every day until I reach one year sober. After that, I plan to shift to a more vlog-style format.

Today, I listened to Dan Vasc’s cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen—an absolute classic and a song that's hard to cover well. Until now, my favorite rendition was the unforgettable Hyde Park crowd singing it before Green Day’s set. But Dan’s version might be my new second favorite! His voice and talent are just insane, and he brought something unique and powerful to this iconic song. This cover really amazed me—just incredible!

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