'Put Y'All Back In Chains' Asian Edition: New Kamala Ad Says Trump Will Bring Back Interment Camps

3 hours ago

Posted • October 26, 2024: We expected the Kamala Harris campaign to get ugly and dirty in these waning days of the election, especially since polls show she's not doing well against former President Donald Trump. They tried the Hitler line of attack, even dredged up a decades-old sexual assault allegation that fell apart like tissue paper in the rain. We are now ten days out from the election, so expect the Left's rhetoric to get cranked to eleven. But this is beyond the pale, even for Kamala Harris. This ad targeting Asian Americans says Trump will put them back in camps (must be the media narrative theme this year): Things are getting out of hand. Kamala Harris just dropped a new ad targeting Asian voters that suggests Trump will bring back internment camps, blames him for the 1982 murder of Vincent Chin. Good gravy.

Here’s the flash to internment camps, while saying Trump wants “unchecked power” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ga0bQR1akAAx76d?format=jpg&name=medium -- They have no shame. I’m not inferring this…Kamala’s press release says he’s going to bring back internment camps and references the 1982 murder of Chin, who was beaten up by racists in a Detroit bar. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ga0b1zIbMAAzcni?format=jpg&name=large -- We have no words. Also, Trump was a Democrat in 1988. So is the Kamala campaign saying Democrats are racist? Remember when the whole ‘Stop Asian Hate’ movement quietly died on the vine when it became clear the people attacking Asians were overwhelmingly black? I remember that because it happened about 5 minutes ago. We remember. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'Put Y'All Back in Chains' Asian Edition: New Kamala Harris Ad Says Trump Will Bring Back Interment Camps

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