HB24-1280 - Grant Program for Migrants

3 months ago


If you needed proof that the open border was about creating a permanently exploitable and expendable slave-caste, here you go. The legal immigration process keeps people from being forced into the shadows where they are unable to participate in the blessings and benefits of our country. The open border policy serves to provide a continuous stream of workers unprotected by documentation to “labored in enclosed, often cramped environments,” to endure “The health and safety risks … to keep Americans fed,” to “endure long hours of physically demanding work… through extreme weather and even a global pandemic,” & work “for very low pay” “waking up way before the sun…and living in horrible conditions.” Is the Biden administration importing voters, or slaves to hide the massive inflationary policies like “The Inflation Reduction Act”?

It is important to recognize that in the sense of our founding, that all people are endowed with the same self-evident, Creator-endowed Rights entitled to them by “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”

Unfortunately, they were born under a government that does not recognize their responsibility in protecting those Rights, instead focusing on maintaining power and control. Now, under the guise of compassion they are being imported into servitude.

Throwing open the doors may seem compassionate, however that is not a viable solution.

As a second-generation American, I understand why my grandfather would exchange a future of cutting peat in his homeland for a ticket on a rickety boat bound for the land of opportunity. When my grandparents came from the Netherlands, they were required to have a sponsor responsible for them until they could sustain themselves. They were not put on a government dole and spirited throughout the country.

The United States comprises less than 4% of the world population. Immigration on even a 1:1 basis will not solve the world's woes but would topple beacon of freedom to the world.

My grandparents were immigrants; immigrants intend to become a part of the society into which they are immigrating; my grandparents applied to become and became “Americans.”

Migrants are temporary without the intention of staying in a country. If they are here legally, they have the opportunity to work, eat and seek shelter, unlike those here from other countries (aliens) who have circumvented immigration law even if that circumvention was done by our executive branch of government tasked with execution of the law.

The executive branch breaking the law does not make breaking the law somehow legal; it just means the executive branch is lawless in at least one, but likely more levels. The Executive Branch participating in bank robbery would not make bank robbery legal; those laws are determined by the legislative branch of our government.

Someone here legally will have access to work, shelter and food by the nature of the law. Someone here illegally, even with the help of the executive branch, is excluded by law. It is the choice of the executive branch to put people into this permanently exploitable and expendable status known as "slavery” into which hundreds of thousands of children have disappeared.

To use the law to force citizens to participate in the violation of law is both immoral and bad precedent. The illegal entry into our country supported by the Biden Administration has made the problem worse while destabilizing our country.

Crime has increased, our institutions, such as hospitals and schools are operating beyond capacity and billions of dollars per year are remitted to counties-of-origin which actually perpetuates the regimes and cartels from which people are presumably fleeing.

While I am sympathetic to people fleeing to our great nation for the opportunity to breathe free we need to protect that beacon from being extinguished if it is to continue to shine.

Is Colorado importing people from the border crossing in El Paso, Texas? I don’t know for sure, but just about every day this year on my way to the Capitol I’d pass one of these busses heading north and another heading south. One day the bus exited right in front of me at 210A for Colfax. East goes to the Capitol, across the street from a bus depot; West takes you past Mile High Stadium. The bus went West. Perhaps it’s a couple sports teams commuting daily for practice.

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