THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Part 54: Riding Into Jerusalem

3 months ago

Jesus’ victorious entry into Jerusalem on a donkey was nothing short of amazing as the Holy Spirit moved upon tens of thousands of people to observe the God-man ride into the city as the Messiah. Holy angels suppressed Satan and his forces so they could not stop the procession and they also kept the Jewish leadership under control.

Then Jesus went to the temple and began clearing it of merchants and money changers. The God-man did not encounter any resistance from the temple guard as He started overturning tables. Prior to this, the God-man had never such an explosive confrontation with the Jewish leadership.

We know that Jesus had a personal bodyguard of twelve legions of angels and clearly there was supernatural protection at play as all satanic forces were suppressed. The common people immediately pressed the advantage and brought their blind and lame to Jesus for healing and He cured them all under the watchful eyes of the Jewish leadership.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1953 -- MARCH 10, 2024

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