HB24-1447 Transit Reform

4 months ago

Transit Reform

Part of rezoning by fiat of Denver burrocrats to prop up the mass transit currently subsidized at over $2 per passenger mile, plus an additional $24million per year for the 3% ridership
(of 4million = 120,000; so $200per rider per year, plus the $2 per pax mile)
Increase housing density from about 6 to 40 units per acre without occupancy limits or any definition of "family"

to save us from CO2:
-CO2 is approximately 1-2% of the greenhouse gasses
water vapor is about 98%
-CO2 contributes less than 10% to the ghg effect -- H2O greater than 90%
- There are over 3200billion tons of CO2 in the air
- The US generates about 5 billion, Colorado generates about 0.125billion, in the extraction of solar energy stored in hydrocarbons. That CO2 is recycled into plant and marine life.
- The IPCC says we are approaching 2degrees Celsius above the famine and plague temperatures of the pre-industrial ice age at an unprecedented 0.1C/year; masked under the daily cycle of 1degree per hour, and a seasonal cycle of about 10degrees per month.

From what will NetZero save us?
10% of 0.125/3200 of 2C = 0.00001C
at a cost of over $12,000 per year per person

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