The Outer Realm HALLOWEEN Show -Wayne Mallows- Haunted & Paranormal Stories

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The Outer Realm - HALLOWEEN SHOW!
We welcome back, as per popular demand, Horror Novelist, Wayne Mallows
Hosts: Michelle Desrochers, Amelia Pisano
Date: October 31st, 2024
Episode: 489
Discussion: Tonight, Wayne Mallows ( AKA Spooky Schwinn) has had so many haunted and paranormal experiences throughout his adult life. He will be sharing even more haunted stories from his time at his Haunted Manor House, and even MORE from his days working at several haunted and OFF limit locations.
- We will then spend some time having our OPEN MIC........

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About Our Guest:
Wayne is the Author of the Vampyre Tales Series.

He began writing when he was in grade school because he found it relaxed him, and helped him to “escape” the real world. As time went on, he was given the opportunity to teach a drama class at a local high school, to which he accepted and focused on the importance of stage presence and character building. This later led to a request that would change everything for him. He was asked to create a “believable” Vampire character, and not only did he comply, but his character went on to become his personal persona that would later thrive as the main character of the Vampyre Tales. His books have been taking vampire fans on a journey of their own, leaving a trail of rave reviews and one award thus far, and it’s only the beginning.

He was also the “head vampire” for one of Canada‘s largest theme parks, for the Halloween season several years running which attracted the attention of other organizations. He was hired as a consultant, to build their theatrical haunted houses for the and Screamers in Ottawa Ontario Canada, operated by the Kiwanis was the first, then went on to become a well-known Halloween hotspot . Being non for profit, other Kiwanis divisions throughout the country have since based their Halloween haunts on the Ottawa location, and the creativity behind the origins, have come from Wayne Mallows.

Wayne owned a haunted Gothic Revival Manor House for over a decade, and is no Stranger to the Paranormal

He has also appeared on paranormal television, with a few honourable mentions being Paranormal Survivor S3, Paranormal Night Shift, There’s No Such Thing as Ghosts, Much Music, and more.


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