AMBUSH!! || HORSE CACTUS MUSIC - End child-trafficking!

4 months ago

Modern-day human slavery, child abduction, torture and murder abide within the sex trafficking trade of human beings both male and female raging all around the globe. Kidnapping and tortuous satanic ritual behavior is the most lucrative and destructive crime against humanity that exists in the world today. Each year more than forty-million people of every age are captured, tortured, often bled out while still alive to obtain their Adrenachrome and always severely damaged or killed by the satanic criminals who ply their trade in every part of the world.

Child trafficking is the single most evil and demonic activity ever promoted by a band of Luciferian semi-humans who sprang from the pits of hell. Child sex traffickers use threats, lies, violence, debt bondage, and family coercion to force victims to engage in commercial sex acts against his or her will. Young girls who often are homeless or whose families are extremely poor are particularly vulnerable to this kind of human smuggling.

In the United States alone more than 800,000 children go missing every year, often from our National Parks areas, where thousands of tunnels are believed to be in use to facilitate the capture and removal of our children. These heinous acts are executed so swiftly using spider-holes and camouflage clothing that parents usually don't have a clue of the disaster until their child is missing and almost certainly unrecoverable.

AMBUSH!!, as performed here by Nashville's premier entertainer Mr. Adam Cunningham, is our promise to criminal demons who hurt our children, We're coming after you, and the God who made us all is coming with us, his wrath and resolve being at the highest point ever displayed in human history.

I say, LET'S TAKE 'EM OUT! At least as unmercifully as they have been to their countless victims. If not us, who? If not now, when?

They can run, but they can't hide. Wherever they go, we'll be there, setting up an AMBUSH!!

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