THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Part 51: The Eye of the Needle

4 months ago

A young man came to Jesus one day with questions about eternal life. He was fantastically wealthy, a political ruler, but the God-man’s unorthodox answer was a sobering lesson in surrender. The rich young ruler was bound to his lifestyle and that’s why Jesus told him to liquidate his possessions and give everything away.

Although he was a student of the Bible, this young man trusted too much in his assets and the privilege it afforded him. This is why the Son of God stated it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

Jesus said there would be rewards for those who accepted His calling and left everything behind. It is not easy to surrender to the Lord, but your reward in heaven will surpass any amount of riches, fame, and power achieved on earth.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1950 -- FEBRUARY 18, 2024

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