End Time Prophecy 8 - Sound a Trumpet Over Seattle - The Dead Lie in the Midst

3 months ago

The bad news is that God hears all we say. The good news is that God hears all we say. Make sure you speak life and truth rather than death and nastiness because the power of life and death is in the tongue. Proverbs 18:21. James 3:6

Our leaders have delivered up us to false hope of joy and for redemption by the customs and statutes of foreign nations. We are in exile right where we sit. We are being invaded by a “foolish nation” because we have abandoned the statues of God in the land He has given us. We follow the statutes of foreign nations, immoral liberal hypocrites, and politicians who placate us on both sides of the isle. We should be roused to spiritual warfare but the Trumpet sounds and none go to battle.

Our leaders have stacked the dead in our midst and will be brought to justice. The have proclaimed a way forward to joy that is not Godly joy. The dead are our meet and our society is the cooking pot. We stone and put to death the prophets who warn us and are not availed of the protection God would give but cannot force upon us. Matthew 23:37. This dichotomy very simply illustrates the two halves of Ezekiel Chapter 11

House church,Christian preaching,Bible teaching,end time prophecy,non-denominational praise and prayer,Christian revival, Hoquiam Washington, Pacific Rim of Holy Spirit Fire,fasting,chosen,anointed preaching and praise,fasting,prophetic gift,apostle,prophet,healing,watchman,intercession,evangelism,word of God,plain truth preaching,Seattle holy war,Seattle has fallen,gates of Seattle are desolate,Revival,trumpet of warning,prophetic warning,good news of Jesus for end times,revelation church praise and worship

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