X22 Report-3484-Trump Counters CB Argument On Market-Despite Cyber Attempts We Will Win Big-Ad Free!

19 hours ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3484a - Down She Goes, Watch The Market, Trump Counters The [CB] Argument

While the western [CB]s are cutting rates, Russia is raising rates. The stock market has fallen again, now passing 800 points. The [CB] and the fake news is trying to convince the people that Trump is going to place a tax on them, he counters their argument and wins.

Ep. 3484b - Blinken:Can't Fully Protect Election Against Cyber Attacks,Trump:We Are Going To Win Big

The [DS] is losing its power to boost [KH] to beat him in the elections, they are going to try everything but in the end Trump is going to win and the people will win with him. The [DS] is now planning for the post attack on the election system. Blinken says they are making progress on protecting the election against cyber attacks after Georgia reported a cyber attack. They will use the cyber attack to claim there is no winner. Will there be a push then to go to paper ballots, will this show the country that Trump won by a majority?

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