51yr old prophecy & vision of David Wilkerson-1973. 2024.The final stages that trigger Tribulation.!

4 months ago

51yr old prophecy and vision of David Wilkerson-1973. 2024.The final stages that trigger Tribulation.! Best know for his True story Book and film-The cross & the switch blade. 1965. Film 1970.-''Last warning for ALL.!''. David Wilkersons 1973 prophecy and vision he was fearful to share.? But as you will See.! Its like watching a movie.?? But we are living it.!!???
Why Final Warning.?? Because the recent prediction.??? Kamala will steal the election.?? Which will set up events for Mashall law. Which will stop a recount and keep them in power.! War game.?? Aug,2024. Shows you what they will do.!!?? link below.! Its about to kick off.?? Those who are prepared will understand.?? The rest.???? Your world.?? Will soon change Forever.!!! EVERYONE who calls themselves Christian.?? Will soon be put to the Test.!! Submit to Jesus.!! Or bow and be embraced by your NWO god and society.?? As Jesus said.?? There are Only Two paths you can choose to take.?? 1 Leeds to life.! The other to destruction.? Deuteronomy 30:19. ''Jesus'' or this modern World.??

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