Mary Magdalena . Jesus so close. part1

4 months ago

Mary Magdalene: Jesus so close... - Documentary French German If the Bible is full of mysterious and fascinating characters, Mary Magdalene occupies a special place among them. Her proximity to Jesus arouses the wildest passions and polemics. What does Mary Magdalene represent in the eyes and heart of Jesus? Should we believe in an impossible love or in more ardent feelings? Because it is in fact a "mystery of Mary Magdalene" which is due above all to the various sources that have come down to us and which do not always agree on the true identity and even on the role of this woman.
Secrets of history
.. - Documentary French German subtitles
Documentary in parts from the Bibliothèque nationale de France:
Reading rooms, collections, cultural program, exhibitions and museum on the Richelieu site
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rumble platform locked in France! We are opening the libraries in France to compensate - until the lockdown is lifted!
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