💥 BOMBSHELL! Patrick Byrne Exposes Cuban-Venezuelan Mafia's Smartmatic Election Fraud (Patrick has fled b/c of $25M Bounty on his head!) 10/23/24 Patrick Byrne: How Cuba & Venezuela Conquered the USA

1 day ago


Patrick Byrne gives a 46-minute PowerPoint presentation on how voting machines created by the Venezuelan government, in collusion with Cuba and the Chinese Communist Party have thus far succeeded in hijacking the United States of America, a story that was told in 16 minutes by federal whistleblower, Gary Berntsen.

Byrne says that the documentation to support this story is all located at StolenElectionFacts.com

Newsweek reports that Byrne has fled the USA for Dubai, because the Venezuelan government (aka the Cartel del Sol) has put a $25 million bounty on his head.

TRANSCRIPT: Patrick Byrne: Hello, today’s class is on the Cuban-Venezuelan conquest of the United States of America, or ‘Fidel and Hugo’s Excellent Bolivarian Adventure’.

I’m going to compress a semester down into one brisk lecture. Feel free to use the rewind button.

What you’re about to learn is

• The backstory on Hugo Chavez of Venezuela

• 1998-2001: The Bolivarian Revolution

• 2002: Counter-Revolution & Counter-Counter-Revolution

• 2004: The Failed Recall Election

• 2005-2013: The period where Hugo Chavez tightened his grip on Venezuela

• 1999-2024: The emergence of the mafia supercartel that has taken over Venezuela in the last generation

• The two best businesses to be in, in Venezuela, and they are oil and elections, and lastly,

• Who are the people behind the people behind this adventure?

Why should you listen to me? I’m a guy who got known for selling toasters on the internet, right? Well, if you look up the Official Instagram page of the Venezuelan government, March 6, 2018, that link, you will see someone you recognize, and that is I.

And what that language says is “Today, the Superintendent of Cryptocurrencies had an important reunion with the impresario, founder and CEO of Overstock, Patrick Byrne, one of the greatest visionaries and entrepreneurs of blockchain in the world. This meeting was to exchange the big ideas about our contribution, with Petrocoin regarding the benefits and impacts on international trade.”

Okay, so, por favor, disculpe mi desagreable acento español.

Cuando era niño, mi madre me hablaba en español, and she didn’t really speak it too well, either. And in addition, I salgué con una mujer venezolana fabulosa. And in fact, she used to make love to me in Spanish, which I thought was the most passionate thing in the world – until the night she made love to me in Italian, and it blew my mind. Pero, fue durante la revolución chavista.

In addition, back at Dartmouth College, besides studying Philosophy – Western Philosophy, up to and including Marx – [speaks Mandarin] I also studied Chinese and in 1983-84 went to China. From 1983-1984, I studied Chinese and Ancient Chinese History and Philosophy at Peking University in Beijing.

From Lao Tzu and Confucius to Marxist thought, Marxism-Leninist thought. It was just seven years after the great Cultural Revolution. My point being that, for what it’s worth, I know something about Marxism and Communism and China and Communist revolutions and Cultural Revolutions and Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela. Take that for what it’s worth.

Here is the young army officer, Hugo Chavez. By all accounts, he was unremarkable as an officer, as a young man.

Now, Venezuela had this great reliance on oil, which was discovered in 1922, and it never really diversified, much. And when countries do that, they get booms and busts associated with the price of that commodity. So they’ve had these booms and busts, and they all create big dislocations, and such.

So there was an emergence in the ’60s and ’70s of a Marxist Left movement in Venezuela. By the ’80s, it was in the military, and Hugo Chavez fell into that.

In 1992, Colonel Hugo Chavez, at the time, attempted a coup. It did not go well for him. He tried to take over the Presidential Palace. He and his co-conspirators ended up captured in the Presidential Palace.

Hugo and his men went to prison. He got out of prison after just two years, and he started repeating this phrase, Por Ahora, “For Now”, Por Ahora. And without really being too clear what he meant, but this is what he said, as he came out of prison.

Something like in South Africa today, there’s some very hardline ANC politicians, you know, radicals on the Left saying, “We’re not calling for the extermination of white people – yet. For now, we’re not calling for the extermination of white people. No promises about the future.”

In a similar tone, Hugo Chavez came out of prison saying, “Por Ahora, we’re going to follow the law, we’re going to follow the constitution, Por Ahora, For Now.

In 1998, Hugo and his wife there on his left shoulder campaigned for president, a real man of the people. He won the presidency in late 1998, took office in early 1999, and he began what we would call a “Bolivarian strongman revolution.”

Simón de Bolívar was the “Great Liberator of South America”, of Northern and South America, and he drove the Spanish out.

And ever since, Bolivarian politics has been sort of a populism-to-the-point-of-demagoguery. It’s “Us Against Them”, it’s driving the Europeans out, “Yankee go home”, very anti-American, in sentiment.

And he did some good programs, there focusing on the poor and education and things like that. But really, the thing with these kind of folks and their politics, is they have these grand ambitions of how they’re going to change and improve things. And they really don’t like constitutions, too much, because constitutions shackle them, in their ability to go through with what their grand plans are.

In fact, Thomas Jefferson said that it is because, “Free government is founded in mistrust and not in confidence.” He used the word “jealousy”, which in the 18th century meant “mistrust”. Mistrust and not in confidence, because it is mistrust that causes us to bind down governments and statesmen with constitutions. That’s the point of the [US] Constitution.

So when a new guy comes in, he’s got these grand ambitions of how he’s going to change and improve everything, he gets bound down, some… So these kind of folks in general, especially on the Left, don’t really like constitutions.

And he did some things to erode the constitution, as quickly as he could. In 2002, a counter-revolution set up against him and it was middle-class, basically. Middle-class pushing back, as well as poor, pushing back.

Parts of the military sided with them. They took the Presidential Palace. And Hugo Chavez was held for 47 hours by what was in effect a junta.

Now incidentally, the CIA was not behind this. I have this on good authority. In fact, the US got wind of it, about a week before and the Ambassador went and warned Hugo Chavez, that they had wind of some coup being plotted, but they were uncertain.

The Chief-of-Station of the CIA, at the time was a female. And I’m on good authority, that when the coup went off, she was actually spending her time running around the Embassy, trying to document that she had nothing to do with it. The CIA had nothing to do with it.

It really was this popular uprising and some generals who didn’t like that they had this generalissimo was becoming too authoritarian and disrespecting the constitution.

Now, they held him for 47 hours and negotiated, instead of killing him.

There’s an old saying, “When you go to kill the king, you got to kill the king. They didn’t kill the king or the generalissimo. They actually reached a deal.

The Catholic Church – and in particular, a certain archbishop or cardinal or something, Venezuelan archbishop in the Catholic Church, maybe it was the Papal Nuncio, I don’t know. He was a poobah of the Catholic Church, got a mass uprising against the people who had taken power. And a deal was negotiated with Hugo Chavez to release him and return things to status quo ante. “And we’re all going to go on together and go forward.”

And he was supposed to have learned his lesson. In fact, there was a TV appearance where he met on the TV with the coup plotters and they all hugged it out. They all hugged it out.

That didn’t work out and he was released. Oddly enough, that didn’t work out too well for the coup plotters.

If you can’t trust a South American generalissimo, who can you trust?

They all were, very shortly thereafter picked up, thrown into prison, tortured mercilessly for years to death in prison. A couple of them escaped. I think, last I heard they were driving Ubers in Houston or something, now.

So, Hugo was back in power from 2002 on. He was just out for two days.

But by 2004, there was great discontent. In fact, there was a clause in the Venezuelan constitution, that I think he may have put in there, that said, “If 20% of the Electorate ever signs a petition, they can recall the President in the middle of his term.”

And in 2003, that happened. 20% of the voting-age Venezuelans had signed a referendum recalling him.

So, there was 20% would sign it. And his support by 2003, 2004 was down to 35%. 65% against him, really 70%. 30% to 35% of people supporting him. And he faced this Referendum.

In 2004, does Venezuela recall Hugo Chavez from – the pull him out of the presidency?

And in August, they held the Referendum. And even though his support in poll was only at 30% to 35%, what happened wa,s he actually won with 58%. 58% said “No, we don’t want to recall Hugo Chavez,” even though his support in polls only showed at 30% or 35%. He actually got 58%, once the referendum was held. So put a pin in that, we’ll be coming back to that.

So at that point, Hugo wasn’t gonna mess around with any of this Tom Foolery, anymore. He cements his hold on power, turning to his great mentor, Fidel Castro for tips.

Now, Fidel Castro was a – if you don’t know who Fidel Castro – all Americans should know Fidel. And if you don’t, when you have Cuban immigrants around, you can ask about how Fidel Castro has remained in power.

And his brother, after his death and so forth – and how the Cuban Regime has remained in power.

Hugo Chavez was, as I recall, he was a bastard. Certainly, in a sense of he was a real bastard. He was a real tough, you know, mean guy. But I think he was an illegitimate son or he was the son of the maybe the son of the housekeeper. I don’t know. Son of the maid. But he was rejected by his father.

So he had what shrinks would call this great “Narcissistic Wound”. And Fidel filled that, playing the role of the Father Figure to Hugo Chavez – and really, was his mentor and taught him how to stay in power after that.

So there was no monkeying-about with with referendums and coups and so forth, such that – he tightened his grip – such that, by 2012, the year before his death, even the Human Rights Watch, which is thought of as a rather Left human rights organization, was writing, talking about the concentration and abuse of power in Chavez’s Venezuela. And he died the next year.

Let’s switch subjects, now. We turn now to the subject of the Venezuelan Mafia, it is called Cartel de los Soles or “Cartel of the Suns.” Sun, as in it’s a bright, sunny day.

Here’s why it’s called that. In most nations, a general in the military has stars on his shoulders. For example, a Three- Star General, which is a friend of mine.

But in Venezuela, the generals have Suns on their shoulders. So for example, the Chief of Staff of the military, Vladimir Pedrino López is a 5-Sun General. And in Venezuela, they refer to the mafia as the Cartel de los Soles, because the capos of the mafia of Venezuela are in fact, the generals of the army of the military, which is to say that the mafia is the government of Venezuela. Venezuela is where a mafia-cartel turns into nation-state, as a matter of fact.

So, this Cartel of the Suns, Cartel of the Soles – that’s this reference to our generals – are the heads of the mafia – has been mapped-out carefully by the Department of Justice. You can find org charts of the Mafia of Venezuela. And it’s mostly members of the military, but also other important politicians and the head of the National Assembly and certain other figures within Venezuela.

They are the…government and they’re the Mafia of Venezuela. It’s both. The mafia is the government and vice versa. You can actually click around and explore online the org structure of the Mafia of Venezuela, thanks to the US DOJ.

I’d like to draw your attention to just a couple names there. One of them is Tareck El Aissami, who was the Vice President since 2017. He’s a Lebanese Shia – and by that, meaning Hezbollah, meaning Iran. So that’s one important thing to know; that Iran, Hezbollah has been integrated into the government of Venezuela. That’s one thing going on.

The other thing; the other name I want to draw to your attention is Diosado Cabello, who was a close friend of Hugo Chavez, while he was alive and still an important figure, there in the head of the National Assembly, now.

Something to know about this mafia and these generals – and I don’t want to be accused of being a bigot to say this – but it would be remiss of me not to mention this: A whole bunch of these folks are gay.

Now, it’s a type of gay that I don’t think we have in the US, where it’s “Super-Macho” gay – so macho, that they look at men who shag women as like, a weakling, as a “poof” only “poofter” – real tough guys, they shag men. So a whole bunch of these fellows are gay.

Now, they have wives and families for social appearances, but they they’re actually gay. And yet, Hugo Chavez would regularly come over to their homes – the homes of his own generals – in the evenings and rape their wives in front of them. And it was a power thing, an Alpha Wolf thing. “I’m the Alpha Wolf, keeping his troops in line.”

And although they were gay, I can’t imagine they liked that, too much. So this is a rough crowd (!)

This is a rough crowd. There’s one fellow who wanted, if he he went to defect and said, “I’m going to I’ll release secrets of the Venezuelan regime, if you come after me.”

They grabbed his brother, they snatched him and they carved him up, they cut him into pieces alive, videotaped it all and send it to the guy’s mother, as a warning to “Keep your mouth shut.” So that’s the kind of people we’re talking about, here.

I just want to mention that the American Left, at one point embraced all these people, like I think a whole bunch of them were bribed to do so, I’ve been told.

But one I don’t think was bribed to do so was Noam Chomsky, who has a long history of embracing Lefty tyrants. If you go back to the late ’70s, wrote a couple of books basically apologizing for the Khmer Rouge or saying, “Well, we probably should believe these stories we’re hearing about that. It’s probably all propaganda and in the early days of early years of this regime, he was down there and, you know, they they love Noam Chomsky.”

I guess I understand of late or later, he sort of said, “Well, I didn’t know that they were going to be so authoritarian.” That’s because he’s doesn’t understand the point I made earlier about constitutions.

These Social Justice guys come in with great strong ambitions and how they’re going to “change the world” and “Redraw the world, unbounded by the past,” or something [“Unburdened by what has been,” as Kabala is wont to say]. And so, they don’t like constitutions and that’s why they break up constitutions and dissolve them and reinterpret them, until they’re meaningless.

And any student of history knows that, of course, “Absolute power corrupts, absolutely,” right? And that’s just something. So it’s kind of silly for Chomsky to keep on embracing Lefty Social Justice people who become tyrants and then say afterwards, “Well, I didn’t know they were going to be tyrants.”

Yeah, you did. That’s why they get rid of constitutions.

So this is a tough crowd. And kind of my favorite among this Rogue’s Gallery is Jorge Rodriguez. I think of him as “Venezuela’s Dr Evil”. Do you remember Austin Powers’, Dr Evil? “Three million dollars!” Well, Jorge Rodriguez is a psychiatrist, in the mold of Hannibal Lecter. His sister, incidentally, is that Delcy Rodriguez, is the Vice President. He’s really, as I understand it, the great mind; the Great Grandmaster Chess Player in the Regime, who has plotted…really, it’s his genius that is behind the story I’m telling you. Jorge Rodriguez, I hope we get a chance to meet, in some circumstance, sometime where we’re not going to kill each other, because a piece of me just wants to really understand this a little better. I’ll be showing you a clip of him, shortly, later in the in the presentation.

So two things you need to know about the Venezuelan Mafia: They seized two power bases, the two most important things to own in Venezuela. One, is they seized control of PDVSA, which stands for Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or the Venezuelan oil company. Venezuela is the largest oil reserves in the world. It’s bigger than Saudi Arabia.

But unlike the Gulf – and I happen to be in the Gulf, as I speak – the Gulf of Arabia or the Persian Gulf, depending on which side you’re on, here, there’s a there’s fortunes and there’s a lot of rich leaders and stuff, but they actually seem to have some sense of that they want to build their country and make things better for their people.

In Venezuela, the mafia just seized its oil reserves as something to loot. They just loot. And by all accounts, they looted somewhere between $2 trillion and $4 trillion from Venezuela.

When I was there, in 2018, there was starvation, there was cannibalism. But the Regime, the Mafia, but the Regime has looted $2 to $4 trillion dollars, depending on who you talk to. Now, if so, that’s one important thing they seized.

The other important thing they needed to seize was – if you’ve got this great gig, we’ve got the world’s biggest gas station under under your feet, and you’re able to just loot it for trillions. The other thing you need to take control of is, besides the oil company, is CNE, which stands for the Consejo Nacional Electoral, the National Electoral Council.

That is, that’s how you make sure that you’re not voted out of office, that you get this perpetually, that this gas station that you’re looting, called “Venezuela”, you get to own it, and you never get kicked-out.

So now, let’s move on to another branch of our story: Smartmatic.

Now, Smartmatic was founded by these three gentlemen, Roger Peñate, Antonio Mugica, and Alfredo Anzola…They moved to Coral Gables, Florida in 2000, and they founded it Delaware.

They’re Venezuelan engineers. They had a small software company in Venezuela in ’97, just made like a home automation software, something benign. But in 2000, they moved to Coral Gables, Florida, they file a Delaware corporation called Smartmatic.

Now later, they were to say that this was done in response to the “hanging chads” thing. Well, no, because that was done in April of 2000. They, and this fellow, Alfredo Anzola, he, after not so many years, I should mention, he had an affair with one of the wives of one of the people, one of the Mafiosis, I forget who, it may have been Diosdado Cabello.

I forget if he’s one of the gay ones, or not. But it wasn’t a smart thing to do, for him, and he got erased. So really, and Roger Piñate, there’s recently, just a few months ago, the DOJ, United States DOJ brought an indictment against Smartmatic, including Roger Piñate, so he’s sort of out of the picture. But Antonio Mugica is still alive and well and on the streets of London.

So, let’s go back to, they were sent, in 2000 to Boca Raton, they found Smartmatic as a Delaware Corporation. By the way, American journalists say, “Well, we looked at this, this is a Delaware Corporation. It has nothing to do with Venezuela!”

Yes, three Venezuelan immigrants with Cartel backing, who came to Florida and started a company and filed the incorporation documents in Delaware. That’s how deep – or superficial – American journalists are. They can’t see past, well, the incorporation is a Delaware company. “That’s not Venezuela.”

OK. They were tasked with this issue: “How do we come up with a, let’s come up with a computerized election system that for Hugo Chavez, that he can rig and stay in power, so he never has any of these problems, again?”

In 2003, they found their solution: Olivetti, an Italian company. Now, old timers may remember this device called a typewriter. Olivetti was, when I was a kid, was one of the big names, if not the biggest name in typewriters.

But by 2003, typewriters didn’t have much of a future and Olivetti had moved into a new game, a new business, and that was they were manufacturing lottery terminals.

See the brand? This is an old Olivetti lottery terminal. Now, in a lot of nations, how lotteries work is kiosks. And a kiosk is, well, like a 7-Eleven, a small store. That’s what it’s called in most parts of the world, a small store that sells tobacco and milk and things like that, chewing gum and newspapers and lottery tickets.

And in a lot of nations, there are machines that these terminals, that sell the lottery tickets and the machines are all wired together to one national computer that the lottery is held on.

And the smartmatic guys figured out that you could take that architecture and it mapped-on perfectly to running a national election. Instead of having 5,000 kiosks with lottery terminals in them, wired into a central lottery computer, national lottery computer, you have 5,000 or whatever voting precincts, each with a computer in it and they’re all wired together with a terminal and they’re all wired together into the national election computer.

And so, the architecture of the one system mapped on and was perfect for creating what they wanted to create, a national computerized election system.

Now, at the risk of casting any aspersions on our good Italian friends, which I don’t want to do, I love the Italians, but I have to point something out and I’m going to do that by telling you Ronald Reagan’s favorite joke.

And you would get in trouble if you told this today, but Ronald Reagan told this at like a Friendly Sons of Italy luncheon, 40 years ago. The joke concerns a cockfight, which is that thing where guys bring roosters with razorblades while, you know, on their feet and they fight. That’s a cockfight.

It’s a three-part joke. So pardon, you wouldn’t tell this joke today, but I’m just reporting what Reagan told, 40 years ago:

“How do you tell there’s a Polish person at a cockfight? Because somebody enters a duck.

“How do you tell there’s an Irishman at the cockfight? Because somebody bets on the duck.

“But how do you tell that there’s an Italian at the cockfight? The duck wins!”

That joke’s funny because, well, let’s just say it may be possible that an Italian manufacturer of lottery terminals – an Italian manufacturer of lottery terminals – might be tempted to put a backdoor in the system, so that the president of the country, of whatever it was sold, could hold a lottery and could make sure it was rigged, so that, you know, his brother-in-law’s neighbor won the lottery and then there’s kickbacks. May just be the case, that an Italian manufacturer of lottery terminals, one might suspect that. I don’t know.

Which means, if you take that system and you take it back to Venezuela and you build a, turn it into a national election system, where the terminals are in every voting precinct and tied to a national election computer, you might be able to rig it.

Maybe that has something to do with why Hugo Chavez, in that Referendum of 2004, though he only showed himself having 30% to 35% in the polls, actually won 58% of the vote. That might be possible. Hmm.

OK. Why should you care about any of this?

Because what happens subsequently is the cartel, the mafia, Hugo Chavez figured out this was a real edge and Smartmatic next bought an American election machinery company called Sequoia, the old mechanical, like, I first voted on as a kid, which was just getting into computerized systems and 20 years ago, they bought them.

In addition, the company Diebold, whom you know today, they make ATMs. They’ve made ATMs all my life. Anywhere you see ATMs, you always see Diebold. But back 20 years ago, they also owned a division that made election machines, voting machines. Here’s a report of Fortune Magazine story from the time.

And they had their voting machines. They were forced, by the Department of Justice, under Eric Holder to divest their voting machine division and Smartmatic bought Sequoia, and they injected their intellectual property in it with a licensing agreement.

They gave licenses to all their election-rigging stuff. And between the Sequoia and the Diebold voting hardware, the software and the hardware, the following happened:

Now you know when you go buy a laptop, if it’s not in Macintosh, if you’re buying a PC, be it HP or Dell or Lenovo, when you buy one of those, they have those brand names on the outside, but inside the operating system is all Microsoft Windows, right? So Microsoft Windows, whichever one of these brands of laptop you buy, it’s Microsoft Windows.

Similarly, the three main brands of election equipment in the market today are Dominion, Hart-InterCivic, and ES&S. Whichever one of those you buy, on the inside you are getting this marriage of Smartmatic intellectual property via Sequoia, and the Diebold hardware, which all got married together, and it’s actually in these different machines.

And now, they’ve been renamed. The old Smartmatic Election Management System, got changed his name, somewhere along the line to General Election Management System. Dominion has something called, they call their software “Democracy Suite 5.5.” It’s all Smartmatic.

It’s all Smartmatic. Dominion took Smartmatic’s, which was written in C++ and they just wrote, C-sharp, a language called C-sharp. They wrote it, rewrote it as in C++, but it’s the same, module by module, line by line, it’s the same software.

And why that’s important is, remember, that was a spun out of the CNE, the Consejo Nacional Electoral, the National Election Commission of Venezuela, which is under the thumb of Hugo Chavez and his mentor, Fidel, the Venezuelan mafia, and the Grandmaster of this strategy, Dr Jorge Rodriguez.

Saying that differently in this order, that is to say that Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, dictators, and the Venezuelan mafia, and Hannibal Lecter, “Dr Evil of Venezuela”, Dr Jorge Rodriguez, besides capturing the national oil company of Venezuela, captured the National Election Council of Venezuela, which created a commercial go-to-market vehicle called Smartmatic, which through a series of corporate acquisitions and licensing agreements and investments of hardware of a different company, got all married together, and that became the guts of the three major election systems used today, not just in the USA, but in the world.

As a matter of fact, Smartmatic has a factory in Taiwan, and that factory has this one production line, and at the end of the line, the boxes come off, and they get the label screwed on. Are they Dominion? Are they Hart? Are they ES&S? But it’s from one factory in Taiwan, and just these different brand names, but with all this Venezuelan junk software in it, integrated into this hardware.

And why that should be especially concerning, is that production line isn’t really manufacturing those computers. It’s just assembling them out of components, and the components come from – the most important components – come from a factory 60 miles outside of Beijing, in Mainland Communist China.

And that means those components are brought into the system or brought into the factory in Taiwan, which just assembles them. And that means it’s all under the thumb of Xi Jinping. Emperor-for-Life of China.

And why the US Government doesn’t know this, besides being indolent and corrupt, is these companies have been lying about their supply chain. Smartmatic has been lying about its supply chain – and how they get away with it is Iran. The mullahs of Iran play a role, and they act as paymasters.

So they keep certain payments that would reveal this, they keep out of the banking system, and out of the SWIFT system, so you can’t see it. And it’s done through a transfer pricing mechanism run through Iranian oil.

So if one guy needs to make a $10 million payment to another agent in the supply chain, instead of one wiring the other money, which could all be seen in the international banking system, transfer pricing payment systems is like, Iran sells one party a shipload of oil at $10 million less than they should charge, and they sell somebody else, down the supply chain a shipload of oil at $10 million more than they would normally charge.

And that, effectively is a $10 million transfer. It creates, it’s effectively a $10 million dollar transfer of wealth between the two, but there’s no record of it, in any banking system. It just shifts that money. So that’s how the payments are managed in the supply chain, and it’s kept out of the eyes of the United States Government.

This all sounds a little hard to believe. Let me show you something Dr Jorge Rodriguez said just a couple months ago, on July 28th of this year, Venezuela had an election, and it went kind of oddly, because the polls showed them down 80 to 20. The regime only had 20% support, and they just ended up sort of canceling their normal way of letting the public see the election results, as they developed, and they just came out and canceled it all and said, “We won 51 to 49.”

And a whole bunch of nations, including 16 American organization, OAS nations, Organization of American States, challenged this election.

The Carter Center said, “Phooey!” Europeans – all kinds of people have said, “This is a fake election.” Jorge Rodriguez went on television and said as follows:

(Roll video ofJorge Rodriguez)

So what is he saying there? He’s saying, I think he’s intimating that, “If any of your countries push us, Venezuelans too hard about this, we’re going to start talking about the elections of the United States and European countries and these different South American countries.”

I think what he’s suggesting is he rigged them all! He rigged them all, and, “If you folks talk, if you push us too hard on us, we’re going to open our mouths.”

As a matter of fact, the Organization of American States needed 18 countries to vote, to take action, to vote against this, not to recognize their election.

16 did vote against them. Three or four abstained, and what do you know? It’s just the countries, the South American countries he just named, they abstained from the vote. They sat back.

So, I think that was a not-so-veiled threat from Jorge. Do you see why I say I’m kind of intrigued by this guy?

Okay, so here’s the punchline. Here’s the summary and punchline:

Over the last 20 years, the Venezuelan Mafia, with the assistance, direction, and funds from China and Iran, has been rigging elections at various levels, from mayors and prosecutors to governors and congressmen and senators and presidents, judges, in 72 nations across Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

This is so Chinese! The ultimate victory is to win a victory without firing a shot.

China and the Venezuelan Communist dictators have changed the arc of history across 72 nations over 20 years through this technology, and we just see the world changing out from under our feet and don’t understand why. That’s why.

So, what you have learned is:

• The backstory on Hugo Chavez of Venezuela

• 1998-2001: The Bolivarian Revolution

• 2002: Counter-Revolution & Counter-Counter-Revolution

• 2004: The Failed Recall Election

• 2005-2013: The period where Hugo Chavez tightened his grip on Venezuela

• 1999-2024: The emergence of the mafia supercartel that has taken over Venezuela in the last generation

• The two best businesses to be in, in Venezuela, and they are oil and elections, and lastly,

• Who are the people behind the people behind this adventure?

P.S. Messages to the DOJ and to real Americans:

To the DOJ, first, let’s save time. I take responsibilities for any felonies or active wars that may have been committed.

This entire project is on me. I’ve got a letter. Will 12 Americans in a jury box think that I’m covered by this letter? And if you want to know what I mean, well, if you want to know what I mean, look up my recent book, Danger Close, which explains what I mean by I get a letter.

I’ve got to have security, though. I’ll come back, any time and face the rap for this. I’ve got to have security. Why? Venezuela has put a $25 million bounty on my head. Can’t imagine why.

And I was keeping this to myself, but I’m in a little legal squabble with Hunter Biden, and I had to reveal this. Hunter Biden didn’t show up for depositions. He insisted doing it by Zoom. So I said the same thing. I want to do it by Zoom, and they didn’t want to let me do it. And so I had to file something under seal with the court that explained that I’ve had two governments now, warn me that Venezuela has a $25 million bounty on my head. There’s mafias all over the world looking for me.

And Hunter Biden deliberately took that, and his lawyer took it and filed something non-under seal that quoted from it. So it was filed non-under seal, and then the press got it, and it’s been written about in Newsweek several weeks ago. So every bad guy in the world knows that there’s a $25 million bounty on my head.

So if you want me to come back, DOJ, and face the rap for any of this, I’ll be happy to. I get security. I look forward to it.

But may I respectfully suggest that maybe you should reflect on whether you folks have letters.

I’m the only guy on my side of the table who knows what the expression Truth and Reconciliation means and wants a peaceful outcome to this. I really am.

So maybe you folks should think about your letters. OK?

Messages to real Americans: Help a brother out. Share this video everywhere. We got two weeks to make a difference. And go to americaproject.com and sign up for five dollars a month.

Americaproject.com. Unraveling all this and getting to the bottom of it has cost tens of millions of dollars. I’d like your help. It’s not too much to ask.

Go to americaproject.com and sign up for five dollars per month. I hope you have enjoyed this tale of the Cuban-Venezuelan conquest of the United States of America or “Fidel and Hugo’s Excellent Bolivarian Adventure.”

Thank you.

Article & Transcript: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/patrick-byrne-how-cuba-venezuela-conquered-the-usa/

Patrick Byrne

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v5jwn3w--oct-23-2924-bombshell-patrick-byrne-exposes-cuban-venezuelan-mafias-smartm.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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