Evangelism audiobook Ellen g White 2 OF 2

3 months ago

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Evangelism Ellen G White Audiobook 2

What does the bible say about all nations ? If your wife dad mos is dying you will go to help them Why not also help others be saved from eternal fire Does it matter if people are eternally destroyed or if they live forever with Jesus where there will be no more tears no more death no more suffering ? Go preach the gospel to all nations

Do we care so little about others that we do not care if they will be eternally destroyed ? If you have children does it matter if your children are lost and die or live ? Immagine that the most precous thing God has on earth is human beings What does the bible say about all nations ? We are Gods treasure we are everything for God . If one is lost it will be a disaster form Him more than when a son dies and the parents loose their precious child .

How many people are dying everyday without Jesus What does the bible say about all nations ? Did you know that mission work offering is regressing instead of increasing ? This shows the low estimate people put on the Love they have to Jesus .

By how much evengelism we do and how much we support misisonaries we show our love for Jesus This is a test brothers and we shall find this again as All that matters in this life is how many people we save from the erernal fire What does the bible say about all nations ?

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