Del Bigtree: COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Not ‘Rare’

19 hours ago

2/26/2024 Del Bigtree, American film and television producer and CEO of the anti-vaccination group Informed Consent Action Network: The media went out of its way described the COVID-19 injuries as ‘rare’, but the actual risk is NOT rare when all the adverse outcomes from each dose of vaccine are added together.
#VaccineInjuries #COVID19Vaccine #Moderna #myocarditis
2/26/2024 美国电影电视制片人、反疫苗接种组织“知情同意行动网络”首席执行官德尔·比格特里:媒体不遗余力地将新冠疫苗伤害描述为“罕见”,但如果将每一剂疫苗造成的所有不良结果加在一起时,实际风险就不“罕见”了。
#疫苗伤害 #新冠疫苗 #莫德纳 #心肌炎

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