Maharishikaa | Conquer the fear! Self-Realization and Fearlessness

3 months ago

Aware of his tendency to act based on negative assumptions in new situations, Thomas seeks guidance from the Maharishikaa on how to break free from this habit and fight fear. Noticing how he is becoming less fearful as he is embarking on the path of self-realization, Thomas wonders: How fearless is it possible to become? And how does common sense factor into this increasing fearlessness?

Thomas Vennens, a 26-year-old Belgian student of Maharishikaa Preeti, struggles with his health for 9 years before finding his Guru. He deals with more than 60 physical symptoms for which neither doctors nor psychologists have an answer. In deep distress and unable to work, he finds a video of the Maharishikaa ji on kundalini disturbance. As he watches the video, he consciously experiences surrender for the first time in his life and knows he has found the solution to his health issues. Fueled by the joy and relief he feels, he takes up the Saadhanaa, or spiritual practice. Very quickly most of the symptoms vanished. He then decided to go to India to learn at the feet of his Guru Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa and deepens into the challenging self-realization process. He takes up Sevaa as a saadhak.
#Maharishikaa #FightFear #TruthImpulse

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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