Now This Is Definitely Orange Cat Energy 😂

13 hours ago

Prepare Supplies: Gather a small basin, cat-friendly shampoo (avoid human shampoos as they can irritate their skin), a cup for rinsing, a few towels, and treats for afterward.

Trim Claws and Brush Fur: If possible, trim your cat's claws to avoid scratches. Brush them to remove loose fur and mats, which can be harder to deal with when wet.

Set Up a Calm Environment: Run warm water in a small basin or sink (not too hot or too cold) and speak to your cat in a calming tone. Placing a rubber mat in the sink can also help them feel more secure.

Introduce Water Slowly: Gently wet the cat, avoiding the head. Use a cup or gentle spray to wet their body. Keep a hand on them to reassure them, as they might get anxious.

Apply Shampoo and Rinse Thoroughly: Lather a small amount of cat shampoo and rinse well. Leaving shampoo can irritate their skin, so make sure it's thoroughly rinsed out.

Clean the Face Separately: Use a damp washcloth to wipe your cat's face rather than directly rinsing it.

Dry Thoroughly: Wrap your cat in a towel and pat dry as much as possible. Use another dry towel if needed, as they may not tolerate blow-drying.

Reward: Give them a treat afterward to reward their patience and reduce any stress from the bath.

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