Galactic Core Space Mysteries Gamma Rays ORP 10 24 2024

3 months ago

Short clip from the Oppenheimer Ranch Project 10 24 2024. This is a current look at the Galactic Core or Center of the Milky Way. I reference this in a theory of where we are seeing Prima Matra attached to these Gamma Rays that actually enter into our Ionosphere during these Very High Gamma Ray events. More to come on this topic and if you want to read the whole article please go to
Although our galaxy's supermassive black hole is relatively placid, the center of the Milky Way wherein it resides is not a placid place. Its extreme location is rife with what can best be described as shenanigans on an epic scale.

Now it can add a powerful cosmic accelerator known as a PeVatron to its list of japes. An observatory high in the mountains of Mexico has recorded repeated emission of some of the highest-energy gamma rays ever recorded from a single point close to the galactic center.

The nature of this source, named HAWC J1746-2856, is unknown – but, over a period of seven years, the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory recorded 98 gamma-ray events with energy levels exceeding 100 teraelectronvolts.

"These results are a glimpse at the center of the Milky Way to an order of magnitude higher energies than ever seen before," says physicist Pat Harding of Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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