Together We Can End Free Speech

2 days ago

When A Politician Speaks About Violating The Constitution & Our Rights. They Should Be Charged With A Crime And Immediately Removed.
Standard Across The Board.
Speaking About Doing It Is The Same As Doing It And Doing It Is A Crime. Thus These People Have Committed Crimes. Besides The Dishonorable Crime Of Breaking Their Oath To Uphold The Constitution And Our Rights. That Is Itself A Crime. The Crime Of Treason. When You Are In Their Position. Kamala Harris Is Actively In Office As Vice President. This Recording Is Evidence Of Her Treason. She Should Be Removed & Criminally Charged. If It All Worked & Was What They Told You IT Was. Which It Isn't. Thus She or Them Can Be As Communist As They Want And Work Actively To Take Away Your Rights And Nothing Will Happen Too Them And These Are The People Most Of You Follow As Your Leaders & Law Makers.
Big Stress On The U. Because i Don't. Never Have. Never Will. They Are Criminals. Always Have Been. Your Whole Life. There Is Only One Law. Don't Violate Another Person's God Given Rights. It Is Called Common Law. Don't Steal or Destroy, Another's Life, Goods or Property. And Don't Break A Contract You Have Agreed To. Period. No Victim No Crime. Real Fucking Simple.
These People In Government Do It To Us Daily, And You All Pay & Vote For It.

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