Ark of Covenant - Jared Kushner

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Ark of Covenant - Jared Kushner

Antiquities from Israel’s national treasures collection have ended up at Trump’s Florida estate, say reports.

One of the treasures is a supposed replica of the Ark of the Covenant. And for the last 9 months, the Ark has been sitting in Donald’s Trump’s home.

Show picture Ark.

Ancient artefacts sent from Israel to the US four years ago on a short-term basis and intended for display at a White House event have ended up at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, according to a report.

The Israeli daily Haaretz reported on Tuesday that antiquities including ancient ceramic oil lamps, part of Israel’s national treasures collection, were shipped to Washington DC with the approval of the then director of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Israel Hasson, for use in a Hanukah candle-lighting event at the White House. The event took place in December 2019, when Trump was in office.

In the end, the oil lamps were not displayed due to US concerns that they may have been taken from the Israeli-occupied West Bank. The antiquities authority’s plan to have the clay candelabra returned via a special courier was disrupted, however, by the outbreak of Covid-19 in early 2020. The pandemic resulted in the artefacts getting “stuck” in the US, since officials did not want to risk using regular shipping channels to return the treasures.

Hasson told Haaretz that Saul Fox, a major American Jewish donor to the antiquities authority who attended the 2019 Hanukah celebration with Trump, was asked to take care of the items until they could be returned safely.

But Israeli officials recently learned that the antiquities eventually ended up at the former president’s Florida estate, which made headlines this year after an FBI raid of the premises revealed boxes full of classified documents were being stored in bathrooms and other spaces after being improperly removed from the White House when Trump left office.

It is not clear how the artefacts ended up at Mar-a-Lago, or whether Trump is aware they are on the premises. Haaretz reported that efforts by senior Israeli officials to retrieve the national treasures have so far failed. A source updated on the affair told Haaretz he would not be surprised if “the items Israel seeks are also eventually found in some bathroom there”.

The current director of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Eli Eskozido, said he had contacted the Israeli foreign affairs ministry, the strategic affairs minister, Ron Dermer, and the former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman asking for their help in retrieving the items from Mar-a-Lago, but without success.
On Tuesday, an Israeli official briefed on the matter described it as “a misunderstanding” and said the antiquities authority “woke up too late” to the problem.

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The jews presented Trump with an award of a Monarah in February of this year. Former U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday received an award from the Israel Heritage Foundation in appreciation of his efforts to forge normalization agreements between the Jewish state and four Arab nations under the guise of the Abraham Accords.

The award, a menorah, was presented to the former president at Mar-a-Lago by IHF Executive Director Rabbi David Katz, Executive Vice President Joseph Frager, Executive President Stephen Soloway, Executive Chairman Sam Nahmias, Lewis Topper and Harley Lippman.

“This menorah, which represents the eternal light of the world, is presented to President Donald J. Trump in honor and celebration of doing what no other man has ever done and that is to make peace between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan in the extraordinary Abraham Accords,” reads a plaque on the menorah’s base.

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Representing the light of the world? I thought Jesus was the light of the world? In 2017, he received a friends of Zion award. During the ceremony Dr. Evans declared that: “No president in history has ever built such an alliance for the State of Israel and the Jewish people, and no president has courageously stood up for the State of Israel on the global stage as you had Mr. President. President Trump’s historic recognition of Jerusalem will secure his place in history as the first American president to take that step since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.”

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In 2022, he received the Zionist Organization of America award Theodor Herzl Medallion calling the former president ‘the best friend Israel ever had in the White House’ and will honor him.

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The same year he received the American Defender of Zion Award from JEXIT, Inc. has become the world’s first Jewish organization to present a U.S. president with it. There is no picture of that.

The jews think he is the Messiah. If all his “loyalty” measures weren’t offensive enough, President Donald J. Trump, our Tweeter-in-Chief, has now, well recently, also posted on his favorite social media site a bit of grand theological-political flattery from Wayne Allyn Root, a failed libertarian presidential candidate and fridge purveyor of exotic conspiracy theories.

“President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world...and the Jewish people in Israel love him....”

“ he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God... But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore.”

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In July of 2023, Trump recieved the Crown of Jerusalem. The Keter Yerushalayim (Crown of Jerusalem) which the Israel Heritage Foundation awarded to former President Donald Trump on July 10, 2023 at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, in New Jersey.
If he decided to “give this up and go over to Israel,” he would be elected prime minister “very quickly,” he added.

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That’s right: If you’ve been asleep for a week, our president retweeted that he was king of Israel, the second coming of God.

Faculty theology aside, this was a novel event, even for Trump, our most narcissistic of presidents. Granted, Americans have had a tendency to think highly of our chief executives and have, in our civil religion, deified a few (think the famous painting of the Apotheosis of Washington in the Capitol building or the Jesus imagery associated with Lincoln’s death.)

But the idea of Trump as the messianic king of Israel goes far beyond what we normally expect of American civil religion. It is, one might say, a new Jewish – and Christian – heresy. Even for the Chosen One.

Within Jewish tradition, it is more accurate to speak of a complex of messianic beliefs, hopes, speculations and dreams than of a unified view of the messianic idea. In the discussions and explanations collected in the rabbinic corpus, as their thoughts turned from difficult political realities, their hopes for the restoration of national sovereignty in the Land of Israel was pushed into the realm of eschatology, where it mingled with all sorts of utopian and supernatural speculations.

Trump even told the Jews 'We gave you Golan Heights, remember that,' Trump tells Jews on golf course. Former US President Donald Trump on Thursday passed a group of Jews on a golf course in Miami, Florida, and told them that he gave Israel the Golan Heights.
Noticing the group and their excitement to see him, Trump turned and waved.

"Golan Heights, I gave you Golan Heights," Trump told them. "We gave you Golan Heights, remember that. Have a good day."
In response, one of the group can be heard saying, "Yes, you're the best."

In March 2019, Trump signed an order recognizing the Golan Heights as sovereign Israeli territory. As he sat down to sign the order, Trump said that the act was "a long time in the making. It should have taken place many decades ago," and emphasized that the US-Israel alliance "has never been stronger." "Israel is an inspiration, a trusted ally, and a cherished friend. The United States will always stand by its side," he said at the time.

So given all this praise for Trump and his connections to Israel, what is his relationship to the zionists? I have proven the Rothchilds purchased land in Palestine after the fall of the Ottoman empire. The zionists moved in and have been expanding ever since. This isn’t an act of God. The second temple was destroyed and Jesus said the new temple is our bodies. A Christian Trump would recognize this and not support the synogogue of satan. Yet, he is supporting their mass genocide and taking the christians with him on a protection crusade of Israel, whom adorns the baphomet pagan symbol of fertility on their flag.

But the real questioon is, why is Trump currently housing a replica of the ark of the covenant? What is the message he is giving? This wqas originally intended to go to the white house but never made it, yet instead it went to Florida in a Christian home? I have to admit, I have never heard of this until last night. I had no clue. Some people are saying this is the real ark and Trump is getting prepared to sit in the temple. I mean, in theory, it makes sense. It is supposed to carry a lot of power and Trump would need to see if he can endure being close to it for some time.

This story is absolutely bizarre. Let’s breakdown the The first video I showed you of TikTok user @ashleyhays2.0 shows us this article.

It took 17 volunteers, who live in several countries, three-and-a-half years to build the replica ark, which is made out of donated gold and some three tons of Egyptian Acacia, according to “Jake” the project’s chief architect, who prefers to remain anonymous, and Lewis Topper, its principal financier. Right here, we see a biblical number 3 1/2 years to make and 17 volunteers.The number 17 has multiple meanings, including: It’s Biblical. In the Bible, 17 is a symbol of perfection and victory. It is a combination of the numbers 10 and 7, which represent perfect order and perfection, respectively. It’s also an Angel number. Some believe that seeing the number 17 on important dates or events is a sign from the universe that you are about to experience significant changes in your love life. It can be a reminder to trust in divine guidance and remain open to opportunities. It’s also a Prime number. 17 is a prime number. It’s the least random number. According to the Jargon File at MIT, 17 is the least random number. This is based on a study where respondents were asked to choose a random number between 1 and 20, and 17 was the most common choice.
Ruling planet and In numerology, the number 17 is ruled by Saturn. People born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month own this number, respectively.

“We went with the highest purity of gold available to the Egyptians,” Jake said at the event. “The purity used for royal artifacts is around 23.75 carats, so we went with 23.75.”

The meaning of 23:7 in the Bible depends on the book of the Bible: 

* Numbers 23:7 
A reminder that God's will cannot be thwarted by human plans. It encourages people to trust in God's sovereignty and protective love. 

* Genesis 23:7 
Abraham's response to the Hittites after they offered him a tomb for his wife, Sarah. Abraham bows down before the Hittites in gratitude for their generosity. 

* Deuteronomy 23:7 
A verse that instructs people not to despise the Edomites or the Egyptians. 

* Proverbs 23:7 
A verse that describes a person who is inwardly calculating and says one thing but means another. 

* Acts 23:7 
A verse that describes a moment of intense division in the council when Paul emphasizes the resurrection. 

“A lot of the concepts or motifs that we used follow up either Kabbalistic or some other concept by way of numerology,” Jake said. “The math parallels the ones found both in the Tabernacle and the First Temple. They used the same kind of numerology.” Right here, they are following the zionist Khabbala and Talmud which is not the true Torah.

“The ark weighs around 85 pounds, so it is pretty heavy,” he said. The structure’s legs and poles, “need to sustain the load for extended periods of time.”

The number 85 is a cardinal number, which means it represents a quantity but not order. It is written as "eighty-five" in both the Indian and International Systems of Numerals.

“The Ark of the Covenant was the weapon that was taken into war,” he said. This is true. The biblical accounts suggest that the Ark of the Covenant was used by the Israelites as a symbol of divine presence and protection during wartime. It was carried into battle, believed to instill fear in enemies and inspire the Israelites. However, it's important to note that the Ark's role was primarily symbolic and spiritual, rather than a physical weapon

Jake told attendees that the replica ark might be providing some symbolic military assistance already. “We brought it to Israel to get it reattached to all of the places it was before. We actually visited Shiloh,” he said. Jake hopes the replica ark can be used more formally in the current war. Reattached to places it was before is suggestive of saying this is the real ark. He continues, “We would like to bring it to a number of military camps,” he told attendees. “The original idea was to actually bring it physically into Gaza, but we are running into some administrative challenges.” Bringing it into Gaza would be a sin in itself. As if saying God wants us to destroy the palestinians.

“When we finally got the Torah delivered to us, it was this morning and it was at the City of David,” he said. “When that Torah was put in, this ark became weaponized.” What is the heck does he mean by that? “There is going to be a force that is absolutely so powerful that it’s going to be something that we’ve seen in the movies—but for good,” he said. For good? Jesus closed the book on the New Testament.

“Now we can see with our own eyes something which we have missed for 2,000 years,” he said. “We have never seen such things. We heard about them. We learned about them. We see pictures, but we have never seen them in real life.” So, they brought the ark back to it’s home and added the Torah inside in which it became a weapon. He also mentions, “It should be the weapon that walks in front of the army,” he said. “We truly believe that it should be both a weapon and inspirational too.” Would the Father in Heaven call the Ark a weapon? The Bible doesn't explicitly record God calling the Ark of the Covenant by a specific name. However, it is often referred to as:

* The Ark of the Testimony: This name emphasizes the Ten Commandments, the tablets of the law, which were kept inside the Ark.
* The Ark of God: This name highlights the divine presence and power associated with the Ark.

These terms convey the sacred nature of the Ark and its significance in the Israelite faith.

This anonymous Jake gives us a clue here. Freemasonry and Satanism practices anonymity and secrecy. For this guy to remain hidden is what Satan does. The name "Jake" is a shortened form of "Jacob," which has biblical origins. In the Hebrew Bible, Jacob was one of the twelve patriarchs of Israel. The name "Jacob" is derived from the Hebrew word "ya'aqob," which means "supplanter" or "heel-grabber." This name was given to Jacob because, as a twin, he was born holding onto his brother Esau's heel.

Most likely Jake was picked as Satan is saying he is decieving us with this Ark just as Jacob did to his brother Esau when he stole hi birthright from underneath him.

In the comment section of this article, Jean Stanley wrote, The covenant has been broken when the curtain was torn from top to bottomed when our Messiah Jesus the Lamb of God was crucified. This replica Ark is nothing like the description in the Bible. The cherubim were place on the sides of the Ark not on the top of the Ark, your one is a Hollywood replica, nothing like the original. The original Ark has already been found its in Zedikiahs cave placed there by Jerimiah where he hid it. Under Where Our Messiah was crucified on top of the Golgotha. His blood was sprinkled onto the mercy seat when the earthquake cracked the earth and his blood ran down the crack onto the Mercy seat. 6 Levite priests tried to retrieve it but were killed by the Angels protecting the Ark. There was an article in the paper stating 6 Levite priests died from trying to retrieve an artifact. This supposed Ark has nothing on the true Ark it's a complete fake. It can never replace the original. God will bring the original out of its hiding place before the Messiah Jesus comes back. Not long now. I would have to agree with Jean.

Ron Wyatt found the ark before anyone else did. And I believe him. I remember seeing his tapes in the 80’s and was fascinated with all of his and his family’s findings. Not only did he find the Ark, he also found chariots at the bottom of the sea where God parted it. The Rock of Horub, where Moses split it for water, Noah’s ark and Mt. Sinai and Sodom and Gomorrah. All recorded on his website. The story goes, he was near the hill of the skull where Jesus was crucified and like in a trance, pointed his hand and finger to underneath where he said this is Jerememiah’s Grotto where the Ark of the covenant is. He and his sons were able to get direct permission from Israel to dig underneath where after a few years, found the Ark of the Covenant where it was being protected by two angels. They told him it must remain there until the time. He took one picture of it and it’s bery grainy and blurry. The ark he found wasn’t perfect like this replica. It looked for like a place you can sit. The two angels make up the arm peices and back support.

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The ark was located right under ground where Jesus was murdered. Ron noticed a crack in the cave with dried up blood which was above the ark. He took samples of the blood and the scientists. “Dry blood is dead blood; everybody knows that. However, there’s no way I know that you can get a chromosome count out of dead blood. You can get DNA and some other things but not a chromosome count. That’s done by living white blood cells,” he said. He took the blood into the laboratory in Israel and asked them to examine it carefully. With one look, they knew it was “dead” blood. But because Ron was persistent, they tested the blood and found something intriguing. “I said, “Take some of the white blood cells and put them in a growth medium and keep them at body temperature for 48 hours,”” Ron requested. The blood was then examined under a microscope. Two people who tested the blood called the one spearheading the team and told him what they had dsicovered. The three then told Ron, “Mr. Wyatt, this human blood has 24 chromosomes in it.” “You see, everyone else has 46,” said Ron. “23 from your mother, 23 from your father. This blood had 23 chromosomes from the mother’s side, one Y chromosome only. And they said the blood is alive.” When the people who tested the blood asked, “Whose blood is this?” Ron answered with tears in his eyes, “It’s the blood of your Messiah.”

After Jesus died, the day turned to night and a great earthquake happened. This created the crack that allowed the blood to pour down towards the mercy seat. The spear of longinus pierced his side and it is said water came out. This water and his blood is what paid the atonement for all sin on earth.

I do believe Ron Wyatt was sent by God to prove one last time during the age of technology that Jesus’ story is true to this day. I also believe this Ark that Trump worshipped was definitely a forgery and indeed has no power. But for Trump to have it in his home for half a year is puzzling. It speaks of his ego. It shows how uneducated he is of the bible and Christianity. If he truly was the current hand of God, he would have nothing to do with the Ark real or not. It is to be given to the the devil in the last days when he sits on it. The devil will sit on the blood of Jesus and the finished work he did.

I believe the replica is being used as the devil’s own version. He has to copy God as he is not a creator. The ark that Trump has is the devil’s version. This ark is most likely being used for ceremonies and rituals for the pagans. Ron Wyatt mentioned the Ark wasn’t that pretty as it was fashioned together while they were out in the desert with limited tools.

So why Trump? I do believe the Zionists believe this is it. All the signs point to the return of their Messiah. Of course, every 100 years they believe this is it. No one knows. WE only know the season. God can hold off for another 2,000 years if he wishes. Satan will try and recreate it himself if God doesn’t move. This is what we are witnessing today. I believe the time is not quite there and God just may turn things around. For example, the mRNA catastrophe. Satan thinks he has one up on the Father yet he could reverse all of this in a day.

Satan cannot force the timing. God will hold it back to where even Satan doesn’t truly know and will be caught off guard. My point is, the father is smarter than the devil and will make him look foolish every time he tries and fake prophecy to fit his own narrative. The zionists think they are smart and control the knowledge of good and evil. I believe the ark is their way of trying to build a weapon by using the Bible’s clues to build it according to specs because it does have supernatural powers and they want to use it for evil. This is why a repica needs made because God most likely will not let them use the ark against our own. THat’s just an educated guess as the Bible does say no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Mara Lago is probably a huge underground temple and it was being used to cast demons upon it. To give it power. To be used againsts us since the original can’t. But it will be a dud. Just like they all are.

Now for the real question. Is Trump the Antichrist? No. but he believes Jared Kushner is the Messiah. The replica of the Ark most probably is for Jared and his practice of entering the temple. Trump converted to Judaism 2 years ago. This was released by a whistleblower who worked on his staff. The entire team knows Trump is a zionist. According to David Goldberg, who was murdered for uncovering all of this, Trump’s promise to the Rothschilds is a weakened and depopulated US. A Jewish Trump ordered COVID released, ordered the pandemic response stand down and killed 1.5 million Americans. Round two is supposed to kill 50 million.

In 2019, White House leaks reported that Donald Trump had converted to Judaism in early 2017, about two years earlier, with this also reported on 24 Feb 2019 by “Israel Today News”. As a Jew, Donald Trump’s next move was to join the Gnostic-Dualist (satanic) sect CHABAD, which seeks to genocide all Christians in a process called “TIKUN OLAM”, which means to “repair the world through genocide”, with “TIKUN OLAM” then leading to a state called “SHALOM”, meaning all Christians genocided, since Jewish prophecy states that the Antichrist (Jewish “messiah”) cannot come, and the world cannot have “SHALOM”, until all the Christians have first been genocided and the world is wholly under the control of the Jews. That was the whole point of the three world wars, whose Zionist planners still call “the Three-Part War of Gog and Magog”.

Prior to marrying the Jew Jared Kushner, Donald’s daughter Ivanka Trump already converted to Judaism in 2009. Thereafter, the couple kept coaxing Donald Trump to officially join the Talmudists.
This information was revealed to David Elias Goldberg by a White House source. By an “amazing” “coincidence”, David Elias Goldberg was found dead in his NY apartment on 8 Jun 2019. Goldberg also recorded an audio in which he exposed PROJECT ZYPHR, which is the alleged Zionist plan to kill 50 million Americans because their awareness of Zionism had reached intolerable degrees that were now beyond Zionist control; and this despite all the Zionist indoctrination, narrative-control and propaganda to give a “positive” spin to Zionism, which is a satanic form of Nazism.

Eerily, Goldberg also stated that the objective of PROJECT ZYPHR may include the release of a virus with flu-like symptoms, which would most likely be scheduled for winter 2020. The virus would cause worldwide pandemic, which would lead to a worldwide economic collapse, thus creating the conditions for ushering in the Talmudic “new” world order. PROJECT ZYPHR is discussed here:

In the latter link, Goldberg also mentions that, once the Zionists restore him as US president, Trump will declare himself “King of Israel” to comply with Judaic prophecies about genocide (since Judaism is all about genocide). When his “devout” followers asked CHABAD leader, the “holy” rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, whether he might be the Antichrist (Jewish “messiah”) he contradicted, saying something like “I am certainly not the Antichrist because the Antichrist can not come until we Jews have first genocided all the Christians”.

In the event, Donald Trump may have launched PROJECT ZYPHR as OPERATION WARP SPEED, which took effect on 15 May 2020 and with the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB originally ordered by the US Pentagon. DEAGEL GROUP is both Pentagon-affiliated and Rockefeller-affiliated and expects a 68.5 percent drop in the US populace to below 100 million; although DEAGEL never stated exactly how this collapse was to be achieved, see also here:

On 22 Mar 2019, the Times of Israel triumphantly posted the following headline:

“Trump: The first Jewish President of the United States”

This headline is also shown in the attached graphic.

In 2004, Donald Trump already revealed that he is a Kabbalist, which is a form of black-magic that is central to Freemasonry and to Talmudism, which is the satanic half of Judaism. On page 188 of his 2004 book “The Way to the Top: The Best Business Advice I Ever Received”, Trump admitted that he is in fact practicing the Kabbalah (Judaic black-magic), when he wrote: “One day when my Kabbalah teacher [Rabbi] Eitan Yardeni asked how I was doing, I told him I needed a break. I was thoroughly exhausted, overwhelmed and overworked …”.

If “Team Antichrist” re-selects Donald Trump in Nov 2024, he may well finish off the remaining American Christians, and launch WW3 for his fellow Zionist Jews as the third and final part of their “Three-Part War of Gog and Magog”. But Catholic Prophecy says that the GREAT CHASTISEMENT will begin at roughly the same time; and furthermore that the GREAT CHASTISEMENT will be a far bigger event than WW3.

Here is a clip of David Goldberg’s last words.


Gemini AI
Geneva Bible,,on%20Oct.%2020%2C%202024.

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