Apatros Review Ep-0111: The Thing Below [2004] ("Sea Ghost")

3 months ago

AR-0111: One of the very worst of notorious hack Jim Wynorski's 2000s-vintage DTV [direct-to-video] thrillers and sci-fi horrors, this has a tugboat crew of mercenaries and a female scientist stuck on a covert ops oil rig laboratory battling an ancient alien lifeform that can project holographic illusions by reading the minds of humans.

The story is typical monster movie bunkem, the cast actually do a good job, there is plenty of stock footage taken from other, bigger-budgeted movies [in this case the late-90s flop "Virus"] and the visual effects feature the absolute worst CGI I have seen in any movie from the early '00s.

Makes for an interesting double feature if you pair it with that low budget Spanish crapola "Project Atlantis" I covered some time ago.

Released on DVD in Australia under the title "Sea Ghost".

My Grade: D- [Atrocious]

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