New Golden Vikings of Woodbridge Senior High School

4 months ago

Showing 5 (five) most popular parts of a celebration, together as a group, when someone takes part in an annual reunion with friends, family, colleagues, or co-workers in pursuit of life-long plans, goals, and passions... best enjoyed when shared with others in this adventurous life with its many lessons we learn along the way. Welcome to a wonder-full journey, Friend. We're glad you're here!

2 min., 02 sec.

#Reunited #HighSchoolReunion #PressingIn #TowardTheMark #Woodbridge


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Yorktown VA 23692-1152
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- The music in this video may be part of Keith Shealy’s inventory that is available upon request for a financial gift amount of your choice… mp3 or compilations of mp3 projects, like “Between The Lines” and “Toward The Mark”, are in stock.


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