What Type of Lightworker Are You? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 10-24-24

14 hours ago

Daniel Scranton
Copyright © Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are the ones who are leading humanity through its ascension, and therefore when you look at yourselves and your lives, do take that into account. Do not diminish your contributions to the ascension in any way. In fact, always remember that you are doing so much more in this life than just trying to survive, or even thrive, throughout the decades that you have there in a physical body. You are taking consciousness where is has not been before. You are up-leveling the spiritual nature of the human being. You are leading humanity to the fifth dimension through your example, through what you do, and think, and say, through what you believe and by being who you are.

So if you have issues with your partner, or issues with your health, or with paying the bills, do not be hard on yourselves or think that you are failing in some way. Just know that those aspects of life are far less significant than they would have been in any other lifetime, and you have chosen to have much more meaning in your life. And you are the ones who are deciding what your contribution is, what your life is supposed to be all about. And one of the ways you help others to ascend is by leading through your example and showing people what is possible through focus, through thought, through raising one’s vibration. And when they see you do it, they will be more curious about how they can do it as well.

Remember that you also get to thrive and that you’re meant to have balance in your life between the work that you are doing to raise the level of consciousness and the time you get to spend just relaxing and enjoying the physical. The physical reality is like a vacation from your true home in the nonphysical and the ride is meant to be enjoyed.

If you are not enjoying the ride, then do something more than just blaming your circumstances, your karma, your past lives, your genetic line, the government, the cabal or any of the others that you could blame that on. And just ask yourself the question of, ‘How can I change the way I am looking at this right now to feel better, to enjoy it more?’ And if you get quiet, and close your eyes, and breathe consciously, we can almost guarantee that you will get an answer. At times you will need to also feel and process through those feelings in that moment before you get that download of an answer.

But eventually it will come, and you will be able to shift the way you are perceiving the situation, the person, the life experience, so that you can enjoy your journey more as the lightworker that you are. And you are the one deciding what kind of lightworker you want to be. Again, that was not preordained, not assigned to you. Now that you are there, and you see what is available to you, you absolutely can make more conscious choices about how you want to participate in the shift in consciousness, how you want to show up for your fellow humans, and remember that it might change from day to day, week to week, year to year.

So don’t think for a second that you have to do the same thing over and over for decades in order to make a difference there on Earth. Just be yourself and be true to yourself and know that your life has purpose, it has meaning, or you wouldn’t exist as you do, as you are, and with the interests that you have. Follow through with what is coming to you as an impulse, and you will be surprised at times and amazed at what you can accomplish now that you couldn’t five or ten years ago. It’s that kind of world that you are living in right now, where so much is happening and happening much more quickly than ever before. It’s a wonderful time for you to be a lightworker there on planet Earth.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."

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