BAPHOMET | the god transgenders worship

3 months ago

Pride Month
Repeat from previous posts
Psalm Two
Why do the Heathen Rage
Look Over Here ~
Their Drug Is Taken Away
Power is being taken away
Like Drug Addicted Grab and Smear
Baphomet Transsexual Stripped Away
<-Their Magic Blanket Has Lost Its Charm ->
Their Religion Is Being Taken Away
Their Wound Is Out For All To See
Tinker Twist Of Time

Dark History of Baphomet
•My commentary will be with a dot in front of it.

Therefore the wicked will not stand [unpunished] in the judgment,

•The wicked deeds of the Evil and perverse deeds of the Baphomet worshippers.

Jeremiah 7:31

Continuing verse 5
Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

•Neither those Huemans who took up league with the perversion of Evil of Moloch and Baphomet. Condemning/sacrificing the oldest to transgenderism.
No one thinks of prudish behavior any longer when in comparison with the butchering of Huemanity.
There is a great horror and revulsion at the perversion of the worship and sacrifice of a man’s first born to Moloch.

For the Lord knows and fully approves the way of the righteous,

•furthermore you know what living for Jesus looks like.
You don’t need me to tell you.

•If you are unclear what living for Jesus means, go ask some hardass how a Christian should act.
And you’re going to get an earful.

•Continuing with verse 6. Our last contrast

6 b
But the way of the wicked shall perish.

•But the way of the wicked ones, the way of the Evil ones shall perish.
The knowledge of the Evil one, the way of abusing of God’s children shall pass out of memory.


The Trump Shall Sound


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