Israel’s STAGGERING Losses In Lebanon You’re Not Hearing About!

3 hours ago

Right, so for as much as Israel seems to not only be getting away with, but succeeding in clearing the north of Gaza of all civilian life, the enactment of the General’s Plan to take out Hamas by literally taking out everyone still there if they haven’t left already every bit the extremist action it very much sounds like, but things are not going according to plan in Lebanon for them.
Southern Lebanon is a different kettle of fish, mountainous and inhospitable to IDF soldiers who have never fought there and learned about doing so from a book, whilst also not only facing Hezbollah, but also the UN itself as the UNIFIL peacekeepers refuse to give ground to them, doing their jobs, standing firm, defending the Israel-Lebanon border region and earning international plaudits for it, from the Irish peacekeepers who wouldn’t move, to those deliberately targeted by the IDF at UNIFIL headquarters, now being revealed to have been targeted with lasers before being shot at by a Merkava tank. The scale of the losses Israel is experiencing itself as a result of it’s war criminality in Lebanon might be considered karma by many in which case, they’ve never been able to successfully invade Lebanon before and they’re getting very far trying to now either.
Right, so that was the recounting by the two Indonesian UNIFIL peacekeepers who were thrown from their watchtower by tank fire on the 10th October, an attack as this was on UNIFIL’s headquarters in Naqoura, Southern Lebanon and some 36 miles west of the position of the Irish UNIFIL peacekeepers who were essentially being used as human shields by the IDF as they fired upon nearby villages several days earlier. It’s reassuring to see these people back on active duty, attacks on such people a direct attack on the UN as this is, these peacekeepers having had their annual remit to defend the border between Israel and Lebanon as they have done since 1978 just renewed unanimously by the UN security council, begging the question of Israeli allies like the US and UK who are permanent security council members of who’s side exactly they are on here.
Such actions against UNIFIL are uncalled for, completely unsupportable regardless of your views perhaps as far as Hezbollah go, certainly as far as the UN go, where Israel have a mandated requirement to not harm UNIFIL peacekeepers, or any UN worker but irrespective of that, whether it be UNIFIL, or Hezbollah or the Lebanese army itself, also involved, Israel are having an absolute mare trying to make any progress in it’s latest attempted invasion of Israel.
Those Merkava tanks which are so feared and have wreaked so much damage in Gaza are not nearly so effective in Lebanon, despite stories such as that of the one which fired upon the UNIFIL HQ in Naqoura.
The mountainous terrain is barely passable for these machines in some places, but even going back to the last war between Israel and Lebanon in 2006, Hezbollah, always better trained and better armed than Hamas have ever been, had the measure of these tanks with anti-tank guided missiles, called Kornets and it seems despite attempts to counteract Hezbollah’s tactics on such things, they’re still failing miserably as this excerpt from The Cradle’s Anis Raiss makes clear why:
‘The Merkava, long regarded as the symbol of Israeli dominance in ground warfare, was designed to excel in direct combat. However, in the unforgiving Lebanese terrain, the Kornet missile revealed a critical vulnerability: the Merkava’s reliance on heavy armour, which, despite its thickness, was helpless against the Kornet’s ability to pierce reactive plating.
The missile’s precision focused on the tank’s soft spots – its engine and lower hull – areas that conventional defences struggled to protect against long-range, guided strikes. The once-formidable Merkava, crippled in its ability to manoeuvre through Lebanon’s rugged landscape, became an easy target for well-planned ambushes.
Now, with Israeli convoys once again making daily incursions into Lebanon – repeating the very missteps of 2006 – it’s as if history is whispering its warnings, only to be ignored. Israel’s persistence in retracing these familiar steps shows a refusal to reckon with past lessons, locked in a cycle that leads to the same inevitable failures.’
So arrogant they think they can win this time, or just following Einstein’s definition of insanity? Why pick just one, it might be both? But such is repetition of Israel’s vulnerabilities with their precious Merkava tanks. They have attempted to counteract the Kornet missile to hilariously failing effect though. Rafael Defence Systems, the Israeli arms firm, came up with a fix called the Trophy APS, effectively a mini Iron Dome system if you like to ward off anti-tank strikes. The trouble is, this system has all of a 1.5 second reload time and where the Russian made Kornet wasn’t quite up to exploiting this window of time, Iran basically took the Kornet and produced a variant called Dehlavieh, and this, alongside an Iranian anti tank missile system called Tharallah, this can fire two missiles in very quick succession, where essentially Trophy APS reacts to the first one, but the second one hits before it can reload.
As a result of this, certainly in part but not in entirety, the losses to Israel have been absolutely catastrophic.
According to a Hezbollah report broadcast by Lebanese news outlet Al-Mayadeen, who’s offices were struck in Beirut in an Israeli airstrike just yesterday, censorship by force, the losses by Israel now include 28 of their Merkava tanks, four military bulldozers, an armed vehicle and an armoured troop carrier. More than 70 IDF soldiers have been killed and more than 600 injured. Three US made Hermes 450 drones and a Hermes 900 drone have also been shot down. All of these are from Israeli attacks within Lebanon itself, as Israel attempt to make progress and fail.
They’ve not gained control over a single village, they’ve barely been able to advance more than a few miles before being forced back, one incident the report details, there are many such examples in this report all detailed on Al-Mayadeen, was of Israeli soldiers taking over a municipality building in the middle of a village who were ambushed by Hezbollah and the Israeli army evacuation itself then took hours too, because they kept getting ambushed as well.
For as much as the IDF is made out to be this well armed, superior fighting force as well as the most moral army in the world, it’s easy to present images of that when they claim to be fighting terrorists in Hamas, when the reality is they are targeting women and children in Gaza, but against far more formidable, and better armed forces, they’re crumbling and that’s all despite the US supplied weapons and the UK supplied intelligence. You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone but the hardest most nailed on Zionist showing an ounce of pity for what they’re doing now though, though of course any loss of life is regrettable, especially however since it is all so avoidable too. If these soldiers believed what they were doing was a war crime they could refuse, but they don’t, so that is on them. For as long as Netanyahu insists on continuing to throw lives away trying to invade Lebanon though, quite clearly they will continue to be repelled.
Of course it isn’t just their war on the ground in Lebanon that is blowing up in the faces of Netanyahu and his mad government, but the war of words is as well, especially in the media. Where Israel have been able to clamp down on information getting out of Gaza, occupied territory as that is, Lebanon have opened their arms to the worlds media and all those excuses Israel made for the targets they hit in Gaza, from hospitals to schools, 196 schools in Gaza having been struck now on official figures incidentally, the same allegations made against Lebanon for these buildings being Hezbollah bases hasn’t washed, as the media get free tours to see everything! Get all the details of that story in this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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