Philippians Chapter 1 - Marianne Manley

3 hours ago

This is a thank you letter to the local assembly in Philippi who have sent a gift for Paul that was delivered to him by Epaphroditus when Paul was on house arrest in Rome.
Philippians is mild reproof for not following the 7-fold unity described in Ephesians 4:3-6.
Paul wrote this letter about 10 years after his first visit to Philippi on his second apostolic trip.
Paul had ministered among them circa AD 53 (one year after the Jerusalem Conference) and is writing circa AD 63 (about 18 years after his salvation circa AD 35).
The three events of the Day of Christ are:
(1) the Rapture
(2) JSOC (Judgment Seat of Christ)
(3) our presentation by the Son before the Father
The adversaries are the wrong dividers that teach the Christ's earthly ministry pertains to the BoC
Most of the words in the red letters in the Bible are written to Israel.
I was unknowingly an enemy of the cross before I learned how to rightly divide (2 Tim. 2:15).

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