UK’s MASSIVE Role In Aiding Israel Just Got BLOWN WIDE OPEN!

3 hours ago

Right, so the defence argument regarding UK national support for Israel has been one of significant debate, but now the truth it appears of the UK’s role in the ongoing genocide happening has been blown wide open, but the excuses so many of our politicians have come out with over the last year, both Tory and Starmer’s Labour alike, but notably the latter have been picked apart over the course of several months chiefly by independent outlet’s, predominantly Declassified UK, but others as well, all in the face of government claims that arms supplies, arms sales to Israel are low from the UK as if that is what it fundamentally all that it comes down to. Where mainstream outlets will fixate on those arms sales as the main driver of Israel’s atrocities in Gaza and in Lebanon and the UK provides proportionally little of that to let government figures off the hook, where Starmer and David Lammy the foreign secretary closed down 30 arms licences to Israel in what was basically a gesture, some 300 arms licences still active.
But having the arms is all well and good, knowing where to use them, getting them into Israel, establishing targets, well this all requires significant reconnaissance, spy missions and the UK according to a new Al Jazeera expose, have accounted for carrying almost half of such missions for Israel. The UK government might not be a big arms supplier, but we’re providing more intelligence for the IDF than the US, so we need to be asking about that.
Right, so that was Al Jazeera’s Alex Gatapoulos explaining the UK’s role in creating what has been an air bridge to effectively act as DPD for Israeli weapons, as well as being the main driver of intelligence missions, reconnaissance, spying, establishing targets for the IDF across Gaza. It’s open source flight data as well, this is what Declassified UK have been highlighting heavily in their coverage of such matters, that this is publicly available data, anyone can actually look these flights up online, numerous sites you can use and the reason for that, is that with commercial flights in the air as well, even the military have to make their flight plans and routes public knowledge to avoid any accidents.
Take a look at this screenshot here, pay particular attention to the aircraft column and look at the first letter, I’ll come back to this in a moment. I’ve used RadarBox here, the site I’ve chosen but there are others and having just typed in flights from RAF Akrotiri, the RAF base on Cyprus that has been the site of so much speculation, Declassified UK having been tracking flights to and from there in their coverage for quite some time, highlighting this matter of British flights regularly going into and out of Israel whilst the mainstream media ignore it, the suspicious and large number of flights a blaring siren, that they keep on ignoring.
But if you look at this image carefully as I asked you to, pause the video, enlarge it if you have to depending on what device you might be watching this on, that first letter, look at all the flights in just the last few days as this is, that begin with a B, because all of those B flights, indicates the aircraft being a Beech Shadow R1, just as Alex Gatapoulos mentioned in that clip, as the reconnaissance aircraft, the surveillance aircraft providing intelligence on ground movements in Gaza. These flights are telling Israel where people are, so they know where to go, know where to shoot, because we know it is indiscriminate, we’ve been watching this business in Israel and in Gaza for long enough.
If you click on any of those particular flights, because it’s a link, the satellite feed for where it has been exactly and where it is now I blocked. Now you might figure this is normal for RAF flights, but it isn’t. You can see in real time where any other type of aircraft listed there is, but not the UK spy planes, nature of the job I suppose, but when the same site lists their last seen destination and that being Israel, but it doesn’t tell us what it’s flight plan was in getting there, yet here we have Al Jazeera exposing the UK using these same aircraft to spy for Israel to tell the IDF about the movements of people in Gaza.
That is horrifying that this now appears to have been confirmed, doubly so, when we now know the scale of surveillance flights the UK has been flying over Gaza, under the Tories first absolutely, but continued now unabated it seems by Starmer’s Labour, 9 flights at time of writing, surveillance flights, since the 21st of this month, carried out by RAF Beech Shadow R1’s.
645 flights in the last year that delivered to Israel targeting data, 1,200 flights delivering arms like some kind of militarised and empathy deficient Postman Pat, did you note the direction the planes were coming in and out from according to the Al Jazeera report? I’d bet my bottom dollar the majority of those flights were going to and from Cyprus as that appears to be the case and that is somewhat obvious since we know it is the closest RAF base to Israel and we know the UK has been allowing the US to use it as well, their bases frankly at risk from the likes of Iraq and Syria should they be too proactive in supplying Israel from those.
Without these flights, without this intelligence gathering, without this abuse of our armed forces, Israel wouldn’t be able to conduct the genocide it is committing and this report has blown wide open the UK’s direct role in enabling this to continue, we couldn’t be more complicit if we tried at this point, a direct link between Israel’s actions and our own government is in my view now established beyond doubt.
It also exposes government denials about such matters, this government, as it was only at the beginning of this month that Starmer’s Armed Forces Minister Luke Pollard was asked if the surveillance flights were being used for military targeting, Pollard made the claim they were being used solely to help with hostage rescue.
Well we’ve been pretty rubbish at that in which case given how few hostages Israel have rescued, not that anyone at this point frankly believes that is their main motivation. 647 flights having demonstrably passed on targeting data as Al Jazeera are now reporting prompts much harsher questions to be put to Luke Pollard now though I fancy. An excerpt from the Morning Star damns this point further though with claims that British intelligence missions are not confined to the air either:
‘An Israeli official disclosed to the New York Times that a secret British reconnaissance team was deployed to Israel early on in its attack on Gaza.
The British team gives “added value” to its intelligence operations, he said, adding that Britain is providing intelligence that “Israel cannot collect on its own.”
There is no evidence the new Labour government has brought this spy team home from Israel.
A Ministry of Defence spokesperson told Declassified that Britain is not a participant in the war in Gaza, adding: “Our mandate is narrowly defined to focus on securing the release of the hostages only, including British nationals, with the RAF routinely conducting unarmed flights since December 2023 for this sole purpose.”’
As much as the devastating effects of the arms Israel are deploying against civilians and the images of the aftermath across social media are what sticks in our minds the most, we have to remember that there are those telling Israel where to strike and with nearly half of all surveillance missions being flown by us, by our UK armed forces, from an RAF base on Cyprus for the most part as seems obvious, the role in creating those scenes and the blood of the people affected falls on the UK as much as those who dropped the bomb or pulled the trigger.
We need answers for this, because if this isn’t absolutely complicity I really don’t know what is and it sure as hell isn’t being done in my name.
Where these actions conducted by Starmer’s government are deplorable, no less are his words and frankly this video has now thrown more shade on the excuses made by Starmer in my video recommendation here as he has now attempted to claim aid being blocked to Gaza is because of Russia attacking Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea. How about you send a surveillance plane overhead and see for yourself? Evidently, you’re quite capable! Get the details of that story here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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