The choice has never been more stark between presidential Candidates

2 months ago

Rogan/Trump Interview reveals all you need to know to make an informed decision

The question before every US citizen is this:

Can you take your thoughtful and prayerful vote all the way to Judgment Day with a good conscience?

Prov 14:34

Righteousness exalts a nation,
But sin is a reproach to any people.

This reality of righteousness being the premium way to run a nation we learn that these truths are permanently stamped on the consciences of every human, in other words this truth has always been true.

In the last 70 years in America we have been under psychological assault to turn our hearts and minds away from the Creator. Our people don’t even know what righteousness is in their minds

They know what it feels like when they encounter it personally that’s why the vision of using a dairy farm making butter and cheese is a beautiful method to reconnect the human back to the dirt from which he came

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