Darkcel Returns | The Podcast #4 - It's Easier to Lose Friends Then to Make Friends

4 months ago

Episode #4 - I go into detail of how I personally have struggled with having basic relationships with my peer-group throughout my school years and even at the workplace I used to frequent. With the passage of time, I realized how mentally exhausted and empty I had become after all those years wasted away in my teens and early 20's, resulting in my lack of wanting to know anybody; absolute apathy. Also, it doesn't help the fact that losing some friends along the way taught me how fragile and easily it was to cut ties / lose contact with people you thought you knew for years or at least a very lengthy amount of time in which said friendships felt established and arguably irreplaceable. From what I've concluded in my near 30 years of living on this planet is... relationships are only as strong as what you can provide in them. Once you are no longer relevant to someone's life, they will phase you out without even trying.

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