Naomi Wolf: Pfizer injection damages the human ability to reproduce

3 hours ago

"And the centerpiece of the Pfizer documents is all about sex and pregnancy and menstruation and human reproduction, completely centered on that, and the 180-degree or 360-degree ways in which this injection damages the human ability to reproduce.

When I say 360-degree damage, it's they knew, because it's been known for 10 years, that lipid nanoparticles, as I mentioned, traverse every membrane in the human body, right? Yes. So that includes the placenta. So not only are they blocking women's ovaries with this material, but they knew that they were degrading the placenta, that the lipid nanoparticles are compromising placentas and make it more creating calcifications make it more difficult for the babies in utero to get nutrients and oxygen.

And so some of the midwives that we've interviewed and doctor James Thorpe a fetal maternal medicine specialist who's one of the few who spoken out they are independently confirming that there are nettings of calcifications now in vaccinated women's placentas that keep the baby from growing to term and also they have to deliver babies early as a result.

A midwife named Ellen Jasmer sent me photographs, independently confirmed by another midwife, showing that placentas, now vaccinated women, are, like, flat and not well-provided with blood vessels, as opposed to the—I mean, not to get graphic, but a baby needs, like, a cushy, well provided with blood vessels placenta to grow in and come to term.

And so the placentas are in such terrible shape that maternal deaths are up 40 percent because women are hemorrhaging. The placentas are falling apart, let alone the babies are suffering as well. Not only that, the lipid nanoparticles go into the babies in utero and degrade the membranes around the testes of baby boys in utero if their moms are vaccinated.

And that degrades the sertoli cells and lytic cells, which are the factories of masculine development, masculine hormones. So we don't know when those babies turn—you know, become adolescents and grow up into men. Those are the hormones that turn on, like, deep voices, broad shoulders, facial hair, the ability to father a child. So we don't know if those baby boys will even be able to grow up into normal men who can be fertile."

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