Time for 5 TIMES the Victory Over Our Enemies!

4 months ago

Lynne explains the Victory for us based upon the Jewish year of 5785 that began on 10/2/24. Join her in spiritual warfare prayer against any evil after hearing a State of Illinois supervisor recommending no one fly October 25-29. Join her in spiritual warfare payer against cheating and stealing in the November 5 election - and for us seeing with our own eyes God's Justice against those who do. Watch Lynne have a two-way conversation with God as He sits on His throne on the Sea of Glass (Revelation 4:6) that she played kickball (Kick Baal) on as a little girl during the years she was trafficked. Lynne sees angels taping mouths and hand-cuffing evil perpetrators. The Wearable Med-Bed is here!!! Regenerate your cells back to when you were 20 years old using LifeWave cell regeneration products at http://liveyoungerwithlynne.com/

Learn how Lynne healed, what you can do to help fight trafficking, and the plans of God to help those who are in physical, emotional, and/or mental pain, including from abuse or trafficking at http://qgrit.org/

Visit Lynne’s Human Resource Consulting and Career Coach services at http://lynnehaggerman.com/

Follow Lynne on X at Lynne Scott Haggerman at https://x.com/haggerman91741

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