007 080's Commercials Volume 007

4 months ago

A bunch of commercials that aired in 1987 and 1988.

1. Bud Light (With Spuds MacKenzie!)
2. Promo for "Cannonball Run II" (Call me sir?)
3. "Top Gun" on VHS (For the unbelievable price of $26.95!)
4. Tender Chops Dog Treats
5. Promo for "Night Court"
6. Alpha Beta Supermarket (Damn these prices make me feel old! Can you buy anything for 89 cents anymore?)
7. Kodak Batteries (The music of Stevie Wonder finds lost kittens! I didn't even know Kodak made batteries...)
8. Chevrolet (With Aretha Franklin!)
9. Tropicana Orange Juice (Well if Old Crowley loves it, it has to be good!)
10. Kellogg's All Bran Cereal (Ah, the fiber cereal wars of the late 80's)
11. Promo for "Unsolved Mysteries" (Scariest show ever! Except for the ones where they look for Cowboy Treasure. Those were awesome.)
12. PSA for Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital (With Robby Benson!)
13. Dial Soap (Germophobes unite!)
14. Coca-Cola Classic (Featuring Art Carney and Brian Bonsall from "Family Ties" and "Blank Check"!)
15. Nissan (With Joe Montana!)
16. TV Spot for "And God Created Woman" (Wow, that movie's rated R? I wonder why?)
17. Yuban Coffee (Cue Pretentious British Announcer...)
18. Promo for KMEL 106 FM (Monkey!)
19. Circuit City (I love that animation at the end)
20. Summer's Eve Douche (Hey! Stop Laughing!)
21. Salsa Rio Doritos (With Jay Leno!)
22. Promo for "Fraternity Row" (Looks really low budget and awful)
23. Sizzler (With Jodie Sweetin from "Full House")

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