End Time Prophecy 6 - Sound a Trumpet Over Seattle - Provoking God's Wrath Top to Bottom

1 day ago

Fully provoked to wrath God calls forth His executioners each with a deadly weapon to have no pity and destroy all people who do not bear the mark. This reminds us of the mark in Revelation 14 and the blood on the door frames at Passover in Exodus. This is more like that of Revelation 14 in that it applies to individuals, not families. The difference is that it saves from death so that witness may be born of the atrocities and it applies to those who lament the sins of Israel. Today we should also be in a posture of sorrow for wickedness and a posture that is prepared to see the coming of Jesus. He has marked us not to lament at His coming but to rejoice.

God turned His back on Israel but He will never do that to us in whom the Spirit dwells. This is our assurance. He will keep distant though from those who keep Him distant with a posture and attitude of sin. God starts the cleansing process from within His church. We have seen many dead churches collapse and fall away since 2019 but a remnant is hungry for Jesus.

Ezekiel Chapters 9 & 10

House church,Christian preaching,Bible teaching,end time prophecy,non-denominational praise and prayer,Christian revival, Hoquiam Washington, Pacific Rim of Holy Spirit Fire,fasting,chosen,anointed preaching and praise,fasting,prophetic gift,apostle,prophet,healing,watchman,intercession,evangelism,word of God,plain truth preaching

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