His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - 10-16-2024 - Captions

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In this Take Five Wednesdays segment, Dave Scarlett and Julie Green discuss a range of topics, including Hurricane Relief Funds, and the upcoming Israel trip. They also touch on the current political climate and the upcoming election, expressing concern about potential election fraud and the possibility of civil unrest if the election is stolen. They discuss the weaknesses of the Democratic candidates and the impact of their campaign strategies, as well as the growing support for President Trump. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the importance of truth and prayer in the midst of the current challenges facing the nation.

Also in this conversation, Dave and Julie discuss the importance of standing firm in the face of opposition and relying on God's strength during challenging times. They emphasize the need for unity among Christians and the power of prayer, encouraging listeners to stay focused on God's word and trust in His plan. They also address the impact of political and spiritual battles, urging people to remain steadfast in their faith and continue to fight for truth and justice.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 10-16-2024, and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v5ix96t

Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe


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Psalm ninety-one, he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress. My God in him I will trust. Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the follower and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckle r. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow tha t flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in darkness nor the destruction that lays waste at noon day 1, 000 may fall at your side and 10, 000 at your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes shall you look and see the r eward of the wicked because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague coming near you your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone you shall tread upon the lion and the cobra the young lion and the serpent you shall trample because he has set his love upon me. Therefore, I will deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known my name. He shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA and keep watching His Glory TV. And we want to welcome all of His Glory Nation from east to west to north to south. Welcome today's take five Wednesdays with Julie Green. We're just commenting before we got in how cold it is here in Texas. Uh I know the Midwest winners are even more brutal. Alright, quick updates and we'll get on with Julie. There's a lot going on in the world to say the least. Alright, first Hurricane Relief Funds. Thank you for all that you're doing. Uh today on the war report, I will read a a really great Email from Glory family member who's out there helping work. Uh just amazing how prayer and breakthrough and Americans are working together to help their fellow citizens and praying over people to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. So it's so important. Alright so food, water, necessity, all those in needs. Uh we have two different relief funds. You got the one for Helena and you have the one for Florida as well in Milton. So you can do it either way. Also if you do not want to give money. You want to give food We we noticed one of the main things in the beginning was there wasn't enough can openers for canned goods. Uh so we people suggest Kingdom Fuel, Kingdom Fuel to your shelf life. Just pour it in water and you got instant meal with vitamins and minerals. So if you want to discount or you want to send that. It's discounted Kingdom Fuel and Kingdom Candy. That will go directly to North Carolina and then our team will take it into the places that are needed. So you can you can do it one of any of those three ways. Alright our Fall Kingdom Sale the kingdom items are on sale so that we can make our bodies a temple of the most high God. What they're doing to our food, our air, our water is criminal and there's a reason why we were fatigued all the time. Uh we need to build our bodies back up in the way God meant them to be. Alright, reawaken. You know, we thought this could be the last episode twenty-four and then I had General Flynn on yesterday and he kind of said, what? Not so fast. So, boy, the things change from minute minute to hour to hour but as of right now it's as I know it's the last of the episodes twenty-four join us in North Carolina 18th to the 19th bring canned goods clothing we are bringing can openers too so that people have can openers to get the canned goods open on Saturday I go out and speak and then Julie Green will be coming in with me we're going to be praying over people this is just what Clay does he's allowed Julie and I to have the largest speaking time at this event why because he wants people to be prayed over and right after that we go into baptisms we've baptized over 7, 500 people at these reawakened events alright our Israel trip we just interviewed a general from Israel who gave us an update it from the ground I'm going to be going in a couple days early to meet with some of those generals to give me an give me a bird's eye view of what's going on on the ground in Israel but to me it's safer in Israel than anywhere in the United States Join us. There's about 10 spots left. We'll be at the King David. Uh it will change your walk in the Bible forever. My first trip in 2009, opened up my heart to know the Bible and the word of God and when you go to Israel, it just comes alive. It's absolutely amazing. Alright, that's all our updates. Updates. It's Wednesdays. So, you know what that means. Julie Green, there she is. Sorry. When you were just talking about the hurricane and the help, we just actually have somebody on the ground right now and he was just sending us videos of what was going on in North Carolina and he's doing some things that, you know, it's really hard to get some of these videos and the stories that he's giving us but having boots on the ground and seeing what's not being reported in the news. Yup. Um we wanted people to be on that on the ground and helping so we know that these things are giving are going to the right places and so with seeing these videos and seeing these pictures are absolutely horrific and he's one of the ones that are helping recover bodies and so we just need to pray and we've been continue to pray for the people who are out there who are doing everything they can for this hurricane hurricane victims so we just need to keep all those people out there volunteers first responders open our prayers because they really are saying things that they have never seen before exactly and they I've told been told on the ground by several people they've asked more body bags this is going to be far worse than anybody ever thought our team on the ground came across that they could tell the smell of a body and try to get Fema cadaver dogs to come over and help them and Fema said nope we can't do it and they left and never came back because they said it was a security issue just the the people what they've gone through in North Carolina South Carolina Florida Georgia it's just beyond anybody anything anybody can imagine it's far worse than what the media is telling people is exactly what he's been saying and they are working with some diaper dogs but I don't think they're Fema. I think these are more military because there's a lot of military personnel there down there like it's military things like that and so they are working with these dogs but like I said, I don't think they're Fema but just seeing some of these things, you're just like, you don't even know what you're seeing because it's so catastrophic and it's so horrible and apparently, there's thousands of people that are still missing and it's like the news doesn't want to talk about it anymore that's like it's not anymore. It just doesn't happen. I I don't I've never seen a response to anything like this in my life when it comes to such catastrophe to a storm. It is unbelievable how they are being already forgotten by our government. It's it's insanity. I mean you go back to Katrina Bush was having daily of himself press conferences every day walking people whether you like George Bush or not. He was he was ahead of the game. Uh General Flynn on yesterday with us said that something I I didn't realize or forgot that we had we had a military go in after a few days into Katrina to help. Nobody from the military is coming to help. Matter of fact, we both referenced some of these former military and current military. They have to go on their request leave to go in there on their off time to go help. Absolutely insanity. And did you see that that video where they did a a photo op where they had one of those military big huge planes. Yep. And then they they emptied it. It it didn't it didn't go to the hurricane victims. It was all a it was all a show. It was for a photo op for Kamala Harris. A photo op so she could look like she's doing something. Yeah. It's just. I mean we're living in times where God says we're not supposed to be going by what things look like because things are not how they seem. They're using so much of this news media to spin the truth in every single way. That's why you like this morning when the lord was giving a prophetic word that I was giving out. We have to have our hearts fixed on him because there's a lot of disinformation. There is a lot of deceitful things that are going on right now. Uh that looks like it's one way and it's really another. So God said you don't need to have your hearts fixed on me because there's a lot of things that are continue to happen. It's going to get worse before it gets better and he's been telling us that. Well you can feel it. I I I felt that this morning. Almost the sense of physical nauseous. Um I can't figure out where it's coming from but I think it's just what is coming. I can feel this this this wickedness starting to come. It's going to worse before it gets better. Doesn't mean don't give up. It's it we we we trust in the Lord light winds but it is going to it is going to get darker before it gets lighter. I can feel it. Yeah. And I you know I've been telling a team they were just praying with me yesterday. And this morning and you know this the the onslaught of attack. A spiritual attack. I've never endured this much before and I know a lot of people are like that. And that's the reason why there has to be so much work. There has to be so much encouragement. There has to be so much truth that is coming out. Because the enemies are pouring out more evil than they have ever done before and that's why God's glories may poured out like ever before and that's why even though we're under attack, God is saying, look, I have made you to be more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. I've given you ability to overcome. I've given you ability to receive the victory that because what Jesus did, we have the victory through him and so we have to keep our heads up high because no matter what they try because he was even given this as an example. Okay, we're your hearts fixed right now. Are they on every Thinking about this election. That's all they want. They just want this election to happen and what that wants to happen. Trump wins. We're going to have fun. It's all going to be you know celebration and everything's going to be okay. I was like but what if they did steal it? I'm not saying they're going to but what if where's your heart going to be at? Are you praying? Are you going to be fasting? Are you going to be worrying like never before? Are you just going to say okay it's it. They stole it last time. This is this is it. I'm not saying they're going to be able to accomplish that. And if Trump wins we know that they're going to do even more things against this nation and more things against him to stop him from inauguration day because that's exactly what the Lord has been saying. Yep. You talk about the lame ducks this session between election day and of course inauguration day. We see how they're in fighting. They're attacking each other. This is the most unprecedented, unconventional election we have ever experienced in our life and that's what we have to hold on because it's going to it's going to get really crazy before it gets better that's for sure. It is. That's what exactly what General Flynn said yesterday in our our our conversation which we broadcast He said be careful when it gets to the election day and thereafter. Uh because if he doesn't have a huge overwhelming win they're going to try to steal it and the most vulnerable time is between the election and by the time he takes office again. So hang on. Yep. So Zach what Dasman or God's been saying to me. He said look my David don't back off and I gotta give you a prophetic word that God talked about his David and he was a major warning. Cuz remember something that I text you last night that the Lord had given me a prophetic word before any of certain things that taking place and so there are things going on behind the scenes that the devil is really trying to work on with President Trump and some of his team members that they're trying to get his ear away from God. Yep. Instead of going to God. And so this is where and I was just solidifying that prophecy that I had on Saturday. And I was just like Lord we we have to pray right now more than ever for President Trump to hear the word of the Lord not the words of political strategists. Because I know there is election going on. I understand that. But he needs to hear what God is saying to win an election. Not a political strategist because a political strategist can only see a small amount of what's really going on and what really goes on in normal election. But he also said he has people by his side. They're actually trying to sabotage him. So we had to pray for that. But yes God has warned us. I think I gave it to you last week when I was on here. The lame dunk. That is the most vulnerable. Our country going to be in in time and that's exactly what apparently a general fund just said to you yesterday. Yeah and somebody else this week came on publicly and said well that's what all the intel sources say too. They're very concerned about the election. You know remember in 2016 when he outperformed the algorithms. It shocked them. They knew they didn't have enough ammo in the tank to cheat. So they they they said okay we'll we'll we'll go to plan B and try to impeach him and get him out and sabotage him. In 2020 they just doubled down and went right into it. The question is what are they going to do in 20twenty-four because those numbers are even bigger. There's polls out today in all swing states that he's opening up a huge lead. Not just a little lead but a huge lead. Astronomical. It's a landslide. That's why God says we're not supposed to be moved by the polls because the polls are lying. They're trying to up the polls, make it look better than what it is but if you've seen and I know you have. Look what Obama just did. Yeah. That was not helping her by going out there and scolding black young men. Yeah. And then we're just black men in general. Then you have Bill Clinton that comes out and talks about if there was an open border under Kamala Harris then Lincoln Riley would still be alive. So those things right there complete sabotage against her. You have Biden coming out and doing things against her. Why? Because they see her as a failure. They're not even trying to prop her up anymore because they were trying to prop her up. They wouldn't have made her look so bad. And they wouldn't have literally said out of their mouth that you know it's her fault why these people die. Well that's not by accident. I think a lot of these things are done on purpose. Um Biden said something I thought yesterday or last night I was also saying that he was blatantly saying once President Trump loses I can't wait to see this thirty-four count felony and about him going to jail. He literally said that. That the quiet part out loud. They're expecting him to lose. And as soon as they lose they're going to have that sentencing as soon as they have that sentencing they're going to put him in jail. That is their ultimate goal. That's their claim. Wow. It's yeah when I saw the Bill Clinton video I thought of you right because I I think that's one of your prophecies. They'll they'll say things out loud. So President Trump all he did after that video is put this has been approved by Donald Trump's campaign yadda yadda yadda and put it out as a commercial. Because it was a perfect commercial. He said it. Unbelievable. You know what is funny? He didn't he has the best. I don't know who does his videos but they are like the best people ever. So he put out another one. I didn't hear I didn't see it. I actually heard about it. About how no I did see it. It was a shortly short one about how Kamala said that she wouldn't change a thing and it was all these things that were going on and it was by her own words in her own mouth and she was basically basically destroying herself and it was amazing because that is the thing that God is showing us. President Trump has a fight like they are fighting. All you have to do is sit back because they're destroying themselves literally and figuratively destroying themselves by what they're getting out and saying. Some things they're saying on purpose and some things are saying on accident. They don't mean for some of these things to come out actually it's it's really biting them in the in the rear but this is another thing. Do you hear what the Mike Johnson thing? About I think it was he was on with CNN or something or CBS. Yeah. CBS sorry. CBNS and he had recorded the whole conversation and they edited it. And so the again either they're trying to they're they're they're saying things they shouldn't be saying or saying things on accident or literally trying to sabotage her. And then you also have on the other side they're editing things what Kamala and they're editing things with Mike. They're trying to make her look better but they're trying to make Mike look worse. It's showing you that journalism is a joke in the lamestream media and how deceptive they are with trying to keep the truth from people. I mean, it's the most ridiculous thing ever but they're just they're hurting themselves. That's all they're doing. Well, President Trump said that he was looking at revoking their license. Um this is campaign finance breaking of campaign finance because what talking about the second one was six the first one was 60 minutes so CBS twice 60 minutes literally edited Kamala's answers and changed them to a different question you can't make that up that's that's absolutely insane it's all fraud but God said every lie would be revealed that means everything they're trying to cover up he said all their props all their what he say he said he has disrupted all their lines of communication he's going to show how really fraudulent the news media truly is. God is exposing everything. And that's why even like when I was in Donald Trump the other night one of the things that we have to realize is God has let and I know I said before. God had let the 20 20 election happen. Because he had to let his people see exactly what was truly going on. And then he was going to prophesy. He was going to show his people. You don't count on your government. You don't count on elections to save your country. You count on me. Because I want to it there and show you the last four years he's done that. He showed us how evil, how corrupt, how good people we thought were good were actually bad. There are so many things that he's going to unleash and he's going to expose and we truly have not seen anything yet with the exposure that are going to happen. Yeah, we have what about two and a half weeks left and buckle up. It's going to get more intense every day because this is really the time period. People talk about October surprises. I don't think we've really seen any October prizes yet because you don't want the surprise to be too early. The whole idea of an October surprise is to throw it at the last minute that your your your your enemy can't respond back to. Uh that's why they did it with CBS News again with Dan rather or against Bush about Swift Bolt back back way back when. So, hang on. These next few days to weeks are going to be intense. Yeah, now they they said that the one of the October surprises, the early one, remember because this was like late September, early October and one of them that says October Surprise which was really a dud was Jack Smith's new indictment. How he rewarded it and they called it this new October surprise and blah blah blah. When all of a sudden there's another thing that came out and it said October surprise question mark. So again a lot of is this October surprise or not. God said these things were going to happen. Well the other one is now all of a sudden that Kamala Harris had a book that come out. Yeah. Uh several years ago. And it mostly plagiarism. She plagiarized almost the entire thing. It was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I'm sitting here reading it this morning in our meeting before we got on here. And all the ways that she cheated from all these different avenues and I'm like was anything in this book really like real or was it all plagiarized the whole entire thing. It is the most amazing thing how just like Joe Biden the first two times he ran for presidency he lost the presidency because of plagiarism something. Because he was a liar. And his speeches and he was lying every single thing that he tried to accomplish. He was a liar. And how many times they've shown her and proven to her is she is a liar. And now they're even making fun of her being such a liar when it comes to SNL. Just like you saw them give away Biden right before they actually truly gave him away. They started SNLing him. They started making fun of him on a daily basis or on a Saturday night live. I mean every single week. And all of a sudden they're doing the same thing with her. They're coming out on her daily with news reports and now they're doing it on weekends with SNL. They are getting rid of her. I even saw a video. I did not watch it. I only saw the phone now where it says is Kamala being replaced question mark. Crazy. It's absolutely. Because all the things they're doing against each other because Biden's camp at Kamala's camp. Like you said last week. And I we've heard more since that. Yeah. Last week. They're I mean they are literally fighting each other. There was one I heard this yesterday from a source inside. Said they believe. This is crazy that this happen but you never know. Said they believe that the friction is so bad between Joe and Kamala and the teams that they believe that Joe Biden at the last one of the October surprises will be that he'll come out endorse President Trump for president. Nothing surprises they were going to turn on the turn on each other and that would be one of the biggest turn of events ever if he went and actually did that but you know he's turning on her because he has sabotaged her more than on one one more one occasion. Yeah. I mean he's got up there twice when she was on one with a view and another time that she was on a campaign he got on disrupted her so I went to her him instead of her and then he was Basically saying that she was a liar when it came to the hurricane Milton. So it's amazing what he's done to her in this last like week and a half, 2 weeks. I I mean he's getting a boldness on air that I really didn't think he he was going to have. But I think this is this is such a revenge just what the prophecy said before all these things came out. It was I think within a week or a couple days after God said that Jill and Joe Biden were going to get revenge that it was him starting to sabotage live on air. Uh it's it's amazing to see what God is saying and how some of these things are happening so quickly and to that point of what God was saying before it happened. Well there was somebody I can't remember his name off the top of my head that was on with Tucker Carlson this week and explain what happened behind the scenes about the Nancy Pelosi blackmailing Joe Biden to step down and the ways that he did it and it was not good. You know he's going to try to do one last. He's not going to let it go. And as we talked about week. Uh I believe this was a Dan Bongino secret service whistleblower that came forward that the cocaine was Kamala's. They knew it the whole time. I I I never even thought about that to tell you the truth but then again she does look like a drunk. So I guess it wouldn't really really surprise me if it was hers. Uh or even if it was Biden's or a Hunter's. I think all three of them probably do. So I think there's been more cocaine because is it there's been more one time they found cocaine outside wasn't there? Uh I'm not sure. I'm I'm not sure. Uh but they made it sound like it was it was Hunter's the whole time and it was according to this whistleblower is Kamala and Joe had they said Joe did not like that that he had to cover for that so and then you got the the the tripling down and lying about McDonald's I saw I think I said this last week I saw an ad on a football game where one of her ads actually stated that she worked for McDonald's so she continues to double down on that so today what is President Trump doing I think he's going to spend what 20 minutes in a McDonald's as the fryer cook I I saw that. I know how long he was going to be there. I just thought he was going to be a fryer cook. I just started laughing. I'm like that is so he he's like the biggest and the best troll in the entire world. Yeah. He is like this he is like the king of trolls. And I think that's what makes him so likable to so many people. Because no matter what they've tried to do to destroy him. He just doubles down, triples down, quadruples down. He doesn't care. He never will give up that fight. And like I was talking to Eric when he was on the show last week or week before that. I was just like thanking him for not only his death fighting but his entire family is in this fight. And they are the the just amazing amazing people and it's it's awesome how God has chosen each and every one of them to fight in this fight. But just seeing President Trump. I cannot wait to see him working at McDonald's. Uh just to show Kamala Harris. I'm wondering if she's going to try to do something to to show him up. But if she does she will she'll look like an idiot. She'll have big on her face. Yeah it's it's it's amazing. Uh you go back yesterday too. President Trump he went to a a Bloomberg. I think it was Bloomberg. Uh a round table for finances. And he was attacked. I don't know if you saw this but he was attacked this this this guy from Bloomberg tried to set him up and President Trump wasn't going there and long story short he got the entire audience which probably was anti Trump to give him a standing ovation when he left. Because he he nailed it head on and there's no teleprompters. This is absolute lie. This is about finances and took this finance expert and and and tore into him and the whole crowd started chanting for Trump at the end. He got a standing ovation. That's amazing. I did not know that. I did think he was on Bloomberg and something happened but I didn't know what it actually had had taken place. Um the thing is he's hard to defy because he is a great debater. He has a lot of he's extremely intelligent and so to try to fight him like that was nonsense I am so happy so happy that there was such quick vindication even on like you said it could have been a whole entire crowd of anti-Trump people but he could have persuaded them all just because he gave the right answers and if he actually was being led by God on a twenty-four hour basis think about that for a minute if his mouth was led by God and God alone do you how much damage and destruction could do than he's already done but think how much further he could be down the road if he's saying exactly what God was saying. They would have nothing to combat it. They would have nothing to do and attack it because it's the word of God and God's on a different playing field and so is President Trump because Trump is his son and it's like the enemies have no idea what they're up against. They're up against God. They're not up against just President Trump. That's so true. Yesterday on MSNBC business section, they took one of President Trump's friends I think one of the one of the firms in New York that he's been friends with and they try to and these are financial experts on so so supposedly on MSNBC talking about how ridiculous tariffs are and just to start attacking him on tariffs and then he comes and explains how tariffs are perfect for negotiating that's what you use them for negotiating and make a level playing field and explained it brilliantly and the woman that was on there I don't know her name MSNBC in the business forever said, you know what? That's the best explanation I ever heard on tariffs. So, took a negative audience and flipped it like, yeah, maybe these tariffs are smart. Yeah, they're smart in the right conditions. Yeah, it's amazing what truth can do. Truth can change people because you know, you get what God's word is truth and truth is what gives us freedom and so if we know the the word of God, the word of God sets us free and so the more people speak the truth, the more it destroys our lies. God said he's Breaking their damn of lies and all of the lies that have been holding things up. Their establishment have been up in place. God is destroying that damn of lies with the avalanche of truth. He's been saying that over and over. You're seeing all the lies they're trying to say and they're trying to cover up their I don't even know what if they know what lie to tell. Because there's so much lie upon lie upon lie. I think they're getting confused with all their lies like Kamala Harris when she came out and said I wouldn't change a thing. Really? You wouldn't change a thing. Okay. Well you're lying and saying that you're different from Biden and that you want to move forward and have change and all this kind of stuff. You you didn't even know how to lie and how to lie the proper way because you don't know what you said before. And so she's wishy washy on this and wishy washy on that. And then I there was something I saw about how Trump was also trolling her because he she keeps stealing his ideas. I mean seriously I've never seen a candidate trying to steal blatantly steal somebody else's ideas and then they're going to get away with it. They don't know how to tell the truth but they're realizing that the truth is really getting people's attention. They're that the momentum is on the side of President Trump on the side of the Republicans because people want their country back. People want their freedoms back and they're seeing that Trump is going to give it to him and they've seen what Kamala is for the last four years. They've seen what Trump was for the first four years of his term and you're seeing the difference night and day between what people, what their lives were then, and what their lives are now. Even though she was trying to separate herself and saying, well, yeah, prices are too high and inflammation and and inflation is this and inflation is that. Well, she's the one who caused all this inflation. She's the one who caused the open borders when she says she's going to close the borders when she can do it now. They can't keep their lives straight. So, this is so damaging to them and that's the reason why she is being destroyed in the polls and like I just saw the other day because God said again they're lying about the polls but there's something that came out where now all of a sudden either Trump is beating her in Michigan or they're tied in Michigan and that was one where supposedly Biden won by a lot and so all these several seven battleground states they are they are pouring a lot of things into it even though Trump is winning or if he's up by you know two points are are tied but there are states that the enemies are not looking at that they don't believe our battleground states that actually will be Uh because there is there's more states that are red than there are blue but they're paying attention to these seven battleground states but I have a feeling there's a lot of what the lawyers have been saying through prophecy. There is a lot of silent people who were Democrats who are now Republicans but won't do it in Singh saying until election day. That you're absolutely right. Uh some say New York could be one of those states that that are in play. Uh what either way California President Trump's went out to California. He went he's going to Square Garden next week. Uh so people are saying why are you going to do that? That's brilliant because in the last few days the campaigns have to shorten and put where their resources are most needed to win the election. If you have them so spread out that there are more states in play or think they're in play that affects the strategy a lot. Instead of just focusing on those seven states. But the poll earlier today he is up in Michigan by two or three. Uh what was the other one? Nevada he's up 2-3 in places like Pennsylvania that poll showing he's up like sixteen points. 16 points. Huge number. We're not talking three or four points. We're talking huge numbers. There are there are things that are so unprecedented right now because I think it was like NBC or somebody. They were actually panicking live on air. Yeah. When they were giving out their poll. Because they showed President Trump basically is leading. And all the momentum. They they showed like O Biden because it really is. Obama. They showed Biden. They showed Bush. They showed all people I think or no Trump knows Clinton Clinton anyway it was like four or five different people and they they were showing all the ethnic groups and where they were in each year of campaign he was the last I think it was Clinton Biden and Obama and then someone else but they showed how that the momentum even for blacks Latinos all that has is even though it may not look like he's got big percentages you're talking about a 20 to 30 Point swing. Yeah. And these ethnic groups that were never ever ever voting for Republican like this. And so there is more of a landslide than they want to make it known. They want to they want people believe it's a tight rate race when it's really really not at all. And that's why we can't give up. That's why you have to vote because you can't just vote just to win in a a perfect world. You have to vote to overcome huge election fraud. So never can take the foot off the gas because they will do anything. Again back to two thousand sixteen. That silent screwed up their internal polls. They had no idea that he got that many votes and it was too late for them to respond and you know they have a plan A, B, C, D, E, F, the, the Democrats not to lose and when they do lose, how they're going to fight it. Uh back to the the videos of there's a video out yesterday of Tim Waltz saying just went on a rampage just we can't afford another four more years like this and I don't know if you realized the four years he was talking about it's who he's running with. He'd said that. So one of my team members said that apparently Kamala got on him for opening his mouth. Uh there was I guess she said on air or she said behind the scenes. I don't know. But apparently she is very angry with him because he keeps putting his foot in his mouth. And he keeps saying stupid idiotic things like that. And then there was another thing how you know he was hunting like bird hunting or whatever it was. It was turkey hunt or whatever it was. He didn't know how to hold a gun. He obviously didn't know how to load a gun. It was the worst stage **** I've ever seen. I didn't even see it all. I only saw a couple pictures. I didn't watch the video because I knew how stupid it was going to be and I'm not like you know like an expert on every gun but I do like to shoot and I know how to hold a gun and this person does not know how to hold the gun whatsoever. I mean and again they were telling me like he was telling me how he was trying to load this gun. That's not at all how you load a gun and so they're trying to make it masculine and then I also heard that he has so only was when he was coaching. There was somebody said that he he did something against a thirteen-year-old child. Right and at a concert there's supposedly that person supposed to be coming forward publicly in the next couple days and there's reports that there's a second person impacted that maybe coming forward too. So, we shall see but his whole past is is is checkered to say the least is stolen valor. I don't know of any military person, current, or veteran that that knows what he did is good with it. Uh not a single veteran have I talked to said that that that's okay. Isn't that okay? Stolen Valor is second to treason the worst thing you can do in the military. Mm hmm. Why they chose her or him? Excuse me. They chose him for her. You know, that was not a good choice. They know it wasn't a good choice. It was a setup. I mean, why would you not have picked in all honesty and even though like I said, I don't like Josh Pierre at all because he stole it from Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania because he's just another you know establishment yes person. You think about him he would have been a way better pick for her. Tim Walst is a bumbling buffoon. He doesn't know how to say anything. He's erratic. He's crazy. And he has a like you said he's gotta check her past. You have somebody out there that you said it's so horrible what he's saying he has done and accomplished and he has not done or accomplished any of that stuff. So how you pick this person because you know she did not have that say. She's a pup it. Yeah. She is not a person with power that had that opportunity to pick that person. Yeah it's it's it's head scratching to say the least. Um and they keep doubling down on it. There's been at least five or six times that he's had the opportunity to clear his stolen valor. He still continues to double down on it even that awkward pause in that debate to say you you made a mistake. You want to change it? No. You know we all have checkered past. We all have sins in our background. And the key is to repent and move forward. Uh but when you double down and quadruple down on lies You got so many lies going. You don't know what the truth is. And that's where they're at. They don't know what truth is. No. But God said their mouth was going to be their worst enemy. Can you see that right now? Yeah. So many of them. And you see the panic all over over the mainstream media. They are panicked. You can't even tell how they're acting. What they're saying. They're even saying. It's like a it's it's dooms like doom and gloom for them right now. Because they see no matter what they've done to help prop her up. I mean you gotta think. They literally did a coup in front of the entire world. Yep. Against the Bible. They try to prop her up everything make her look like first I hated her and wanted to remove her from the ticket. Now all of a sudden she's a you know she's a knight in shining armor at for a female and all of a sudden she's perfect. There's nothing wrong with her and everybody loves her. She's the savior now. And that and now they're turning against her. Just like God said they would. He said their celebration with her would be short lived. And boy has it been short lived because she couldn't even last what? 80 days, 90 days before an election She is absolutely collapsing and then their campaign is imploding on itself because how bad they are. Yeah it's it's it's it's bad. You know that's why she's doing this Brett Bear interview with Fox News and there's some reports that she may be doing Joe Rogan. I mean when you do a town hall and you have to go to a teleprompter on a town hall it makes me wonder I can't remember how fat my hood woo that was but the catch catcher at a teleprompter at a town hall is pretty damaging. That is like I've never heard of that before. A teleprompter at a town hall. Yep. And you know they did it on purpose. They didn't show that teleprompter an accident. No. Because she had a teleprompter on Oprah. She had a teleprompter with this town hall. Every place she goes she has to have a teleprompter. And then I saw one time the teleprompter broke. I don't know where exactly where she was at. It might be Minnesota, Michigan. Oh my God. And then she kept repeating herself. You could see exactly when the teleprompter broke. Because she didn't know how to handle herself. I'm sort of thinking I can even imagine relying on a teleprompter. Like I had no idea what I'm going to say in front of a camera or I'm going to say why I'm getting on the mic and on stage. That's why I freak out play whenever I was on. Now I don't anymore but I used to. Uh freak him out whenever I was on stage. I don't need to know what I'm going to say. I just want to say what God wants us to say. Yep. You came around a person that's smart enough where she can't even make up something she has to have words in front of her to read. Just like Biden. Biden was the same thing as his telephone but remember he had to have these big huge like 80 inch screens in front of him because he couldn't see because he couldn't talk. Now listen she can't talk and she's like 20 years him. What kind of puppets do they actually pick? They picked the worst out of all the puppets. I think I I seriously I don't know how they picked these two. They did and now they're they look like fools for it. Yeah and they can't even read the teleprompter. It's a stop, comma, pause. They'll say pause, stop, comma. I It's amazing. It's it's been been something else. But that's I think the American people are waking up to say there's no way that this election can be right. So if they steal this one we may be looking at a civil war. Literally because America is not going to take it this time. Alright we'll be right back after this. I'm Jonathan Rose, CEO of Genesis Gold Group. With the uncertainty facing our economy, it is more important than ever to safeguard your wealth and protect your retirement savings. As the national debt grows and the government continues to devalue your hard-earned savings, physical assets like gold and silver can provide stability, security, and peace of mind. Genesis Gold Group helps our clients transfer existing IRAs or other retirement accounts into physical gold and silver tax and penalty now is the time to educate yourself on the importance of including gold and silver. Call now to receive our free wealth protection kit and digital dollar defence guide. 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I just need your name, your email address, your telephone number, and I will be in contact with you within twenty-four hours. Alright, we're back. Wednesdays with Julie Green. Julie, soon we'll be in North Carolina. This is supposed to be the last event but I had General Flynn on yesterday and he said, maybe not. So, as we're talking about in the break, things changed quickly. Uh things change happen like there was I was just at an event in Tulsa with Alina and Eric and Jackson and and Clay and I it has things changed by sometimes by the minute almost kind of like you're just going with the flow. You're just kind of like, okay, this is what was said but oh we gotta change this and it's fine because the plans change. We just kind of we do have to kind of go with it. Um but yeah there's a lot of things going on. There is a reawakened that I'm really excited to be at and yes we will be on the stage together praying over people. Um that's one of the things that I love to do is be able to pray over them. Um but yeah I thought it was supposed to be the last one. I and I was just with him in Tulsa and I was talking to Clay and it sounded like it was the last one for a fact. Uh so I don't know what's going on but I don't know. I I didn't hear it was going to be anymore but you never know. I didn't think there's going to be anymore after Michigan either or something. God there isn't supposed to and they they did. So you had a prophetic word. You want to talk about this prophetic word about the president? Yeah this is the one I actually gave out this morning. I've been telling people this morning on my live show. I said we just have to continue to pray for him because there's people there are on are trying to sabotage him still. There are there are deep state people that are right alongside him that look like they're his friends and they're not. And so this one was from October 12th and it's called political walls are coming down. And he says woe to those who are on the side of the red who are actually blue. I will show the world who you are. I will show the connections you have to the establishment and who pays you to spy on my David. I will show this nation how you communicate with Obama and all who are with him. There is a witch and there is a Jezebel. But I will also show you all who are near my David who have said they were his friends who said they were on his side. My David used to traitors and liars in your midst. Ones you wouldn't have expected that would be. There are good actors but deep inside their eyes they are ravenous wolves ready to betray you. Oh my David I will show you who I am and who you can really trust. I will completely unmask the ones by you that you need to remove before you take back the White House. This time must be different my son. This time rely on my words and my plans and not a political strategist and some are still giving you advice they know is wrong. But it will look good on paper. Don't listen to those you have questioned and some of their motives. They have given you advice and some next to you. They are the ones that led you into the trap in Butler. It was not just enemies on the outside but the enemies from within. They are trying to stop you from winning. They don't care what it takes to keep you out of the place of power. You have so-called political friends by your side and some are there to make you make sure that you lose. My words are the ones that you should be paying attention to even though you may not truly understand how obey me and how all works to hear from me. I Am sending people your way to give you my words that you need to hear. But your enemies will also send a wolf. And a witch and I will show you who is who. My David things will intensify against you but as I've saved you before I'm saving you again. You will win no matter what their plans I Am with you. So continue to move forward with me. And you will see of the impossible be possible. You will see that I Am the same. God in the Bible still works miracles today. This is my nation and I Am letting you lead it into a mighty victory, says the Lord. Then he tells us. He says my children pray for my David. To hear and pray that he see who is with me and who isn't. I will take care of the house and the senate and what they are trying to do against him. And it will not work. You'll see their indictments collapse for good. You'll see the judges against him be judged and you will see him them try to stop him from taking back the presidency. But they can't. Just like they couldn't make any of their charges stick against him. They think they are slick to change laws and use a DOJ to do it. But a great wall is crashing the wall of their so-called justice department. So I will stop right there before I go on and think that he was going to expose by Merrick Garland but he was saying how he has people that are from the side of the left who look like their right who are being paid to sabotage him and they're leading him to places that he shouldn't be at. And so There are people that giving him wrong advice on purpose and they know they are. They're paid to do it. And so that's why God is asking us to continuously pray for him that he actually hears even though he may not understand how to hear from God the way we hear from God. But we need to pray that he does pray and he does heed the words of God because there's people that are trying to keep the right Christians away from him. Yep. And keep him at a distance where it looks like it's one way it's really another. Uh so They are trying to do everything tooth and nail to destroy this this election. Well it's it's sent more sinister than that too. Uh the whistleblower we've talked about before with one of the assassination attempts on President Trump that was done with Obama and Trudeau according to this whistleblower was a missile attack was going to be against a President Trump. That whistleblower has reached out to me and a couple generals. I'll just say that just within the last probably three or four days and he has evidence to support that prophetic word that there is somebody in the myths that had their hands in our involved with an assassination attempt on him on the thirteenth. Yep. That's see that's how God always confirms that's why I love being on this show. Because this is what I was hearing this. I can't tell you the heart of God. The compassion that God has. But also it's a stern warning. Because this has been going on for so long. And President Trump needs to really listen to what God is saying. Because I don't want him to get had to get to a point where he has to be down on his knees. Because something else happens to him. Um I I truly I know everybody's praying because they don't want anything to happen to him. They don't want anything happen to this election. They don't want anything of course that obviously happen to any of his family members either. And so God wants to get his attention and say look I'm sending people to you but at the same time your enemies are sending people to you that are a wolve and a witch. And so there are so many people that are trying to influence what is political or it's spiritual and they're the wrong people. Yep. And so there's trying to keep him and they're still trying to sabotage him and if they try to get him in the butler in that trap because that's basically what they said. They sent him into a trap and they knew they sent him into a trap. There are people that are with him that are planning to still probably something else or allowing somebody else to get in, how did that guy was that when he didn't have it on his schedule that he was going to be golfing? How did that guy sit there for 12 hours on that particular golf course and know that he was going to go golfing that day unless somebody from the inside told him? Well, gets a little more sinister too as the plot goes. There was a report yesterday on it. We'll we'll talk about today on the war report because I don't I don't remember where it's at. It's on the our Twitter feed but there's a report that that shooter or potential shooter has ties to a Ukrainian type militia. The same type Ukrainian militia that took down Ukraine in two thousand fourteen. The same thing that certain person that you showed showed you when you were here the servers also had information that same guy has information on they were there on January 6th in the crowd as well Ukrainian militia were in the crowd dressed as Mega and so this guy that tried to shoot President Trump Ukraine yes same guy same guy that was part of the 2014 overthrow the Ukrainian government was there on January 6th and now we have the second tied to this This is the reason why God has talked to us about follow the money. This is the reason why he keeps bringing up the the country of Ukraine. And a lot of this money that's being funneled over there is to keep them quiet. Because you know they have dirt. Ukrainians have dirt on this establishment for what they've done. They've asked them to do. What they paid for them to do. And so and then of course you had the Ukrainians had this dirt and then the dirt that the the the American government has against them. So they're planning both sides. And they're trying to they're just trying to backstab each other. So what we have to do is we have to pray because all this stuff needs to be exposed. And not only no matter what's going on in Ukraine and how bad Ukraine is, you gotta think our government is dirtier than the government in Ukraine and you gotta think how bad Ukraine we all know how dirty they are. Our government is worse because we've affected more than our nation. We've affected a lot of different countries around the world and we've caused a lot of our own people to die on purpose and I think that and then of course stealing our elections and and stealing our freedoms in general and so this there's a lot that's going to happen and that's why God said everything that can be shaken will be And I also heard from my team right before I got on here as well that Liz Cheney apparently she used to be a lawyer. She was trying to get a hold of somebody's January sixers. Behind their lawyers back. I didn't even know that was happening. I had no idea that was going on. So you had and that's when she was part of the January 6th meeting. So you know they are so desperate that they are trying to do things that are unethical and they're against the law in so many different ways. What was she doing? Was she calling to blackmail them? Was she calling to bribe them? I don't know. All I know is that she was trying to call the January 6 hours. There is so much evil and so much things that stink when it comes to January sixth. Yeah so that's John Solomon reported that I believe was the first one to report that yesterday. Uh Cassidy Hutchinson. Uh she was the one that came up with that outrageous quote in the January 6th committee where President Trump was trying to grab the steering wheel where you can't physically grab the steering wheel from where the president sits and then this this security driver Secret Service said that was a lie. Nobody ever asked him. Well, what you just said is that Liz Cheney went behind the attorney's back and met with Cassidy privately had her fire her attorney and then got an attorney that was tied to Liz and that's how they went in and they they worked a plan together. This is corruption at the highest level. Some say it's a 10-year felony, some say 20 years. Uh I don't know I'm not a lawyer but this is absolutely insanity to make this up and there's no question when she said her report. Anybody with common sense that ever seen the beast that a president drives in knew was physically impossible to grab the steering wheel. He's not stretched Armstrong. And nobody thought to ask the guy driving the the car because America and the news went on with this for a month saying oh the president got so upset that he was trying to take the steering wheel and drive himself to Capitol. That was part of what Liz Cheney did behind the behind the scenes. And oh by the way, all the documents for the January 6th committee are gone. If you really had dirt on President Trump, why did it all disappear? They can't they don't have. All of it's gone. All of it's gone. And they're trying to retrieve it. They think they think it's gone. Yep. It's not. God says he has it all. Somebody's got it and it's in the right hands because God said he's infiltrated the infiltrators. He's been telling us that for a long time. He's been saying that he has a blueprints on January sixth. He's been saying he knows the architects and he's going to expose them. So no matter if they try to delete and remember he keeps bringing up laptops. And so laptops were going to come back to haunt them. And so there are going to be laptops that are going to come out and they're going to be exposed and we're going to know the blueprints. We're going to know the people. We're going to know the the architects. We're going to know it all. Because God has it all. There's that one thing that they destroyed that they thought that was completely destroyed and gone. Actually destroyed or gone. God's got it. So I know one of the people that have that and I I think it's exact where it said that that's the blueprint for January 6th and it's on a laptop. I I believe that was the exact word blueprint. Yeah. This is the blueprint for January sixth. So I'm told to have it. So we'll see. God always will outsmart our enemy and I think that's what we have to rely on is that you know when I was in Tulsa that's one of the things that God kept having me to say and give the scriptures out on stage was God reigns over the nations. We have to realize that he does reign over the nations. It's not our enemies. They think they can outsmart God. They cannot outsmart God. They think they're just they're just against President Trump. They're not against President Trump. They're against God Almighty. They're against this country. They're against this country. They're against him. And so they think they could try to pull all that will over our eyes. They're thinking they can use Hollywood. They can use all the optics. They can use all these things. It's not going to work. God is destroying everything they have planned and that's why they are turning on themselves as he said they would in the last ditch efforts to try to kill this nation. They were going to be in a panic. They have never experienced before. They're going to experience fear and they are now doing it and they're now trying to save themselves from what's really going to happen, the sinking ship that they're on. That's why they have a choice to make Today, you know, repent and get it right or if they double down, it's going to be it's there's going to be a punishment coming because truth is coming. It's coming and it's coming. Nothing can stop the truth from coming. Yeah and one of the things I I I was m

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