The Election and its Aftermath

2 days ago

The Election and its Aftermath

Emanuel Pastreich

October 24, 2024

Two ghoulish festivals lurk, awaiting us, just over the horizon, in just a few days, just as the leaves of turn red and the air grows crisp and clear.  

The first festival is Halloween, on October 31, a quaint holiday when innocent children, naïve as to the true workings of the economy, unaware of how the corporations that sponsor the ads between cartoons on TV also bay for foreign wars that kill the parents of other children, go door to door in the neighborhood, dressed up as horrific zombies, ghouls, and vampires, politely asking their neighbors for candy and other treats as part of an evening of fun.

The more ghastly festival is the presidential election, set for November 5, a horrific blood fest when the flesh-eating ghouls of Wall Street, the blood-sucking vampires of global finance, and the Harvard-educated zombies that run government, academics, journalism, and business dress themselves up, and dress up their putrid candidates, so as to appear like the respectable elders of society, and hide their bloody paws behind a false fabric woven from carefully selected words suggesting that some benefit for the people will come from this ritual of voting—when, in fact, they follow only the orders of the billionaires who tug at their leashes.

There has been corruption in politics since ancient times, but we are watching now the collapse of institutions, the melting of basic values, and the intentional creation of a degraded cultural and intellectual environment wherein not only is resistance repressed, but the formulation of new ideas is impossible.

These tired candidates who have been rolled out in the media, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, are incompetent, corrupt, guilty of massive state crimes, and, worst of all, they allow themselves to serve as the puppets of the billionaires who toy with them for sport, serving faithfully their little role in the drive to establish a government of the billionaires, by the billionaires, and for the billionaires.   

Enough of false choices!

When the spicy immigrant-hunter Donald Trump and the Gaza-hypocrisy-blend Starbucks corporate hack Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer sat down with a flock of billionaires in Manhattan on October 17, they were all on the same page of the conspiracy to crucify the American worker on a cross of Democratic and Republican bipartisanship, using the cruel nails provided by Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Ernst & Young, BlackRock, Black Stone, Google, Oracle, and Amazon. This nightmare before Halloween was aptly titled, “A Party for All Parties” indicating what we have known all along: “There is only one party, but grab a cocktail for this is one hell of a party—if you are a billionaire, or a billionaire’s pet.”

Robert Kennedy, the false messiah, was at this exclusive event shaking hands with the billionaires and demonstrating beyond any doubt his complete betrayal of working America and his role in the murder by a thousand slices of the hapless “medical freedom” movement.

We see Elon Musk these days plastered all over the media, the man who is using Open AI as crowbar to pry open social security and the Federal Reserve, and to privatize the entire Federal Government. This week dear Elon is busy handing out checks for one million dollars to random people who support Trump. Such good fun would have been criminal interference in an election just a decade ago, but in this decayed political culture, Musk's abuse of his “America PAC” is all in good fun.

You see only the pretty surface of American government, universities, newspapers, and the buildings that house them when you walk down the street. But the contents of these institutions have been eaten out by the maggots of finance and speculation leaving only wretched goop and a teetering facade. Aldous Huxley captured this sad state so perfectly when he wrote,

"The underlying substance will be a new kind of Totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly like they were in the good old days. Democracy & freedom will be the theme of every broadcast & editorial. Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite will quietly run the show as they see fit."

It is just six days to Halloween and just eleven until election day. Looking around in the wealthier neighborhoods of the United States, things appear normal—you would not guess that we were on the brink of war with Russia and Iran, or that a population of millions is locked up in jail for the profit of corporations, or forced to work endless hours to try to feed their children.

But eleven days can be historically significant, and these eleven days will be as significant as the days of August, 1914, that led to the First World War.

As Vladimir Lenin said, "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen."

George Will, the hack writer for the powerful, wrote just the other day in a Washington Post editorial that, “World War III is already under way. Not that Harris or Trump has noticed.” If you thought George was off his rocker, perhaps you should grab a copy of the November/December issue of Foreign Affairs, entitled most auspiciously “World of Wars,” an edition that features a glorification of total war by Michael Horowitz entitled “Battles of Precise Mass.” Horowitz, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, got rich making wars and he is very anxious to get back in the game.

We have already some clues as to how our society will be torn apart in the days after the election, intentionally, by billionaires who have bought as much Republican stock as Democratic stock and who are hoping that we have been so dumbed down by movies, pornography, social media, and stupid cat videos that we are incapable of recognizing the false choice they offer us.

Let us take Hurricane Helene described on the one side as an honest effort of the government to help the hapless victims that was opposed by boneheaded MAGA supporters, and described on the other side as a case of weather modification carried by the deep state meant to destroy Asheville, North Carolina as part of an assault on patriotic Trump supporters.

We need to step back and assess what happened, without leaping to conclusions that are fed to us by political operatives.

On the one hand, it is doubtful that this hurricane was created by weather modification, but it might have been influenced by such efforts. We need to question everything and engage in science--which is most certainly not what is happening.

Democrats present FEMA as an honest government agency trying to do its job in the face of anti-science reactionaries known as MAGAs.

For those supporting Trump, however, FEMA is leading the way to a prison planet and the end of property rights. Both views are correct to some degree and that is the essence of this divide and conquer strategy of the rich. The push to seize property is clearly part of the agenda—as was the case after Katrina—granted that it is bankers who back Trump, and not the faceless bureaucrats, who are ultimately behind that. But there were also honest efforts to use government in a positive sense that were undermined.

The war on humans using nanoparticles is real, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) is also real—although is a more part of classified geoengineering projects in response to climate change, than a means of creating hurricanes. The weather modification angle, and the quartz mining angle seems over the top, but still not impossible.

What we can be sure of is that we are looking at psychological warfare meant to disorient and discourage, and such efforts will only increase in the days ahead.

Then there is the antisemitism part of the tale. Far right groups consider FEMA’s predations to be part of a Jewish conspiracy. That is going too far. But before we toss that ugly antisemitism accusation in the trash, maybe we should peer under the hood and see how many of the contractors getting FEMA and Homeland Security contracts, including those for control of the Mexican border, are linked to, or are based in, Israel.  

The entire government, starting with Homeland Security, Justice, the Department of Defense and the intelligence community have been entirely privatized, and Energy, Treasury, and the State Department, the Federal Reserve are going that direction. The privatization of police and security for state and local government, the national guard, prisons, and infrastructure are outsourced to Israeli corporations like Elbit Systems and Black Cube. Calling it a Jewish conspiracy is wrong, but let us not kid ourselves about which tail is wagging which dog.  

We should be disgusted and outraged at the progressive sheep dogs like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who are pushing us towards Harris on the basis of abortion rights and slight increases in wages even as she pushes us towards world war and billionaire rule. So also, we should be disgusted and outraged by sheep dogs like Robert Malone and Naomi Klein who seek to spin Trump as an opponent of the deep state even as he begs billionaires for support and embraces Elon Musk and Peter Thiel as they prepare private armies to loot of the nation.  

And then there is the Department Defense Directive 5240.01 from DoD that authorizes the military to work together with the police against citizens. Might that be linked to the recent reports of a planned cyberattack exercise scheduled for the Homeland Security Conference on Critical Infrastructure on the date of the election. Such an event would be perfect to muddy the waters on the day of the election and to assure that not only do we not have a president who is selected by the people (which is already the plan) but we will have no idea which side is up.  

But the most critical factor of all will be the Israeli attack on Iran, an attack that could destroy economies dependent on petroleum, develop into a world war involving Russia and China, and even set off a nuclear war.

The assassinations of political leaders in Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Palestine, and elsewhere who are opposed to the greater Israel project, is by no means a matter of Isreal being mean. It is a cold calculation. All politicians know that these calculated assassinations are a threat aimed at any resistance to global techno-totalitarianism. The technologies employed in those assassinations are being marketed to corporations and governments around the world as “Gaza-tested” strategies for social control.

We know already that the global chaos caused by an Israeli attack, and Iranian counterattack, will include the radical increase in the price of oil, the shutdown of trade that could lead to starvation in any nation dependent on food imports, the launch of a nuclear war, or a fake nuclear war, that keep you locked up in your home, unable to eat food or drink water.m All this will be a disaster for everyone, except a handful of billionaires. They are counting on a destruction of our civil society that will be the equivalent of the destruction of civil society in South America in the 16th and 17th centuries.

The basic truth that the politicians and limited-hangout news pundits will not tell you is that although world war, and nuclear war, are suicidal, war itself gives new authority to bankrupt institutions and discredited politicians and it creates, at least at the start, the consumption and demand that serves as a stimulant for moribund economies addicted to growth--much like one can get the body of the recently deceased to jump up in response to an electric shock.

What we must do

We must take a stand and declare that we are the people that the institutions of government, education, journalism, and all of civil society belong to, and that ownership of government institutions cannot be transferred away, privatized, through trickery or declarations by politicians. It may seem to be an impossible task, but history shows that such stands by citizens matter and that they make the critical difference.

We must not be overwhelmed by the coming assault. Like 9/11, like Covid, the casualties may be great, and the enemy may appear invincible at first, but if we keep our eyes on the target, and if we work together with our comrades at the right moment, we can cut these leviathans down to size.

We must support each other psychologically, spiritually, intellectually, and economically so that anyone who is fighting the billionaires, anyone who is against techno-totalitarianism and bio-fascism, knows that he or she has friends out there who are ready to pay the ultimate price.

We must understand that although it may seem silly to demand an end to stupid masks at the airport, or to question established regulations at work, every single little act adds up, and will form a great current that will sweep away these evils. We must recognize at the same time that we ourselves may not get credit for our contributions.

We must go back to the foundational documents of the United States, the Declaration of Liberty and the Constitution, and use them to show to ordinary citizens who never wanted to think deeply about politics, that we are the government, and not these corrupt institutions that make such claims on TV.

We must reject this election and call for an honest and fair one—and refuse to recognize the authority that some will claim this fraudulent election gives them. We must demand that state crimes be prosecuted-by the government if possible, but by people’s courts empowered by the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and natural law, if required.

We must demand that all the classified programs used to run our government end and that all classified documents be released in accord with the Constitution.

We must end all secret treaties, intelligence sharing and secret addendums to treaties and agreements for military cooperation, and all secret agreements between our government and other governments, multinational corporations, banks and other entities.

That means that we need to take back the economy, education, security, media and everything else from the bankers.

Let us remember that if the bankers and billionaires were properly punished for their plotting and their plunder in state crimes: the 9/11 incident, the endless foreign wars, the counterfeiting of money under quantitative easing and Covid relief, and the Covid operation, that would mean that all the billionaires would be stripped of their assets and reduced to the petty criminals that they are. We would not need to raise taxes for citizens; We need merely seize the assets of the billionaires in accord with the law and human decency.

To the young people who listen to us tonight. You are our future and we will dedicate our resources to helping you to learn how the world really works, how to create your own independent economy, and how to thrive in a supportive, spiritually rich and diverse culture which is generative, not extractive or exploitative. Once the money of the billionaires is seized, and we end the casino economy of Wall Street, there will be tremendous opportunities for you to own your own small business, and to make your own economy with other young people without being dependent on employment by the corporations who make up the rules for the benefit of stockholders.

To the homeless and the poor who listen to us tonight we say. We have had enough of this “middle class” verbiage. All people are citizens of the United States and all have equal rights according to our Constitution. All of you are members of and owners of our democratic republic. Your rights will be respected and you will no longer be exploited for the benefit of the man. We will end this bankrupt culture in which people do not count as citizens unless they can afford to own houses, possess credit cards, own cell phones, or drive automobiles.

To targeted citizens, those who have been subject to experiments using electro-magnetic energy, voice to skull technology, and other fiendish experiments carried out by contractors using the cover of Department of Defense or Homeland Security, this secret war on citizens must end, and must end now. To those blacklisted by Homeland Security and unable to find work because of national security letters, secret law, or classified directives, this techno-slavery must stop.

And finally, for those of you who are listening to this discussion about the future of the United States as part of domestic intelligence “anti-disinformation” contracts for Department of Homeland Security, that have been farmed out to Booz Allen Hamiliton, CASI, CSRA, or ISC, we understand why you have been put in this difficult position and we support you, we welcome you, and we are delighted that you are listening to these words—because they were meant for you.

We stand with you against the bloated pork billionaires. We say to the world, to cynical politicians of indifference, “Look at the men behind the curtain! Stare directly at Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Larry Ellison and their cronies, their hands up to their high-tech elbows in the blood of the children of Gaza whom they slaughter today, and prepare to do the same to our children, in our neighborhoods.

The nightmare techno-control of Gaza and the West Bank is coming soon to our school districts. As they privatize our local police, together with their Israeli partners, these IT monsters will unfurl their own high tech Gaza in Memphis, Minneapolis, New Orleans, and Irvine.

We say unto all of you inside the system, with a decent, honest, face, flush with sincerity and empathy, not greed and cruelty, '“'Come with us! Marching forward towards truth, so bravely, so determined. Do not let this horror show distract you for a moment from your mission. For verily, you have nothing to lose but thy chains.' ”

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